gimme that final grade, teacher!

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3rd person's pov:

"Another hell day to face" that was every students motto everytime they step inside the IM & PARK'S PRIVATE UNIVERSITY as they say they'll once again faced the one and only beautiful yet terrifying, strict teacher.

Named none other than Ms. Im Nayeon, the youngest teacher in the university so far, a lot of students feared her despite of her hot chic figure and attractive features.

Everyone in the whole university knows that behind those breathtaking beauty of her's, hides her terror true colors. A lot of teachers in the uni actually despise her because of her "attitude" and "overconfident" despite a lot of people feared her or despise her, she doesn't get all of this get in her way.

It only makes her more powerful than ever, receiving all of those looks and judgement she feels even more respected and worshipped, she's just so confident about herself- scratch that not just about her looks but she's also very confident because of her overly smartness.

As of now, Ms. Im Nayeon confidently strides her way across the school's hallway, totally aware of the stares she receives but she discards this and only display a cold expression across her beautiful features. Smirking arrogantly everytime she sees students whipping their head towards her boosting her ego and confidence once more.

With all this happening, another student clumsily runs across the halls, sending apologies to students she accidentally bumps into and then continues her run right after, the student runs in full speed afraid of being late again for the first period.

And she unintentionally bumps into the one and only real-life definition of the terror, She bumps into Im Nayeon...oh shit. She thoughts as she shakily stares at the back figure of the young teacher who's slowly turns her body around to meet the clumsy culprit.

The girl who goes by the name Sana, gulps as she finally had an eye contact with the terrifying strict teacher in the whole university, who's coldly staring at her straight in her quivering eyes as her knees bucks in fear when the teacher's plump lips twitch into a creepy smirk as she eyes her darkly. The students around them saw the scene and feels sorry for Sana as they slowly walk away from the scene to avoid watching the girl being scolded terribly.

Sana, who was now in verge of tears as she feels the teacher's eyes scanning her up and down as she leans forward to her and grabbed the younger's chin and looks at her eyes once again. Ms. Im clicks her tongue inside her mouth and further leans towards Sana's ear causing her to shut her eyes down when she felt the teacher's hot breath fanning against her skin causing goosebumps to appear in her skin.

Ms. Im hummed, " Well look what we have here, you once again Ms. Minatozaki? You keep bumping into me this days now are we? " Ms. Im states as Sana clenches her fist in the hem of her mid-thigh skirt to stop herself from shaking, She looks up at her teacher with her puppy like eyes and unintentionally pouts her lips causing the teacher to awe at her reaction but hides it with her smirk.

" Uh- Ms. I- Im, i am v-verr-yy so-orry " she bows infront of her repeatedly which she didn't know the teacher was staring directly at her slightly exposed chest because of her bowing nonstop caused her top uniform to slightly slide down making it visible to the teacher's view, Hearing the young girl apologizing made Nayeon quite satisfied and made the student stopped.

"Okay, stop right there Ms.Minatozaki, you're 5 minutes late in my class now. You better enter yourself first if you don't want to embarrass yourself further" Sana immediately obeyed Nayeon's order and made herself inside the classroom leaving the teacher outside, shaking the thoughts away from her mind. Back to Nayeon, She enters the classroom and sees all the students to panicked and returns to their seats one by one, as her gaze travels further to the back part she sees Sana, wiping the sweats in her forehead and moans softly in exhaustion.

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