dreams come true?

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Pairing: Tzuyu x Chaeyoung <converted>


Warning: eating out! [ 👁️👄👁️ ]

Summary: Tzuyu caught Chaeyoung in the middle of the night having wet dreams about her, decidingly she made her girlfriend's dream come true.

Top Tzuyu x Bottom Chaeyoung


Tzuyu wakes up in the middle of the night gasping for air. A pair of soft arms wrapped around her restraint her from moving.

She tries to calm her beating heart and even her breath. She glance at the  girl beside her, A look at the soft rise and fall of Chaeyoung's chest was enough to tell her that the girl was fast asleep. She sighs as she lingers her gaze on the sleeping girl and shudders when she remembered the dream.

A side glance to the bedside clock shows her the time is three in the morning, she sighed.

"Fuck that dream..." She mumbled under breath, she removed the sleeping girl's arm that was wrapped around her to get herself a bottle of water in the bedside table.

She freezes when she hears a soft moan in the night. "Mmh, Tzuyu-yah." Chaeyoung sighs.

Tzuyu almost spurts out her drink.

She puts the bottle down carefully and look over at the girl. The rise and fall from her chest becomes a little rapid now, and her breath is coming out faster.

Tzuyu's eyes slowly focuses on her body. Her beautiful face is partially covered by missed blonde hair, the mole under her lips looking like a chef's kiss, her chest heaves with labored breath, her long dainty legs clenching together as she bits her lips in her sleep.

Chaeyoung was having a sex dream about her.

Tzuyu feels a familiar stir low in her abdomen.

Slowly, she stretches out next to the sleeping girl, and unbuttons the shirt gently, carefully not to wake her. Her eyes scan down her neck to her fully rounded ample chest, past her flat tummy and tiny waist to the V between her legs.

She hovers over her for a minute, just admiring  the view infront of her and begins to inch her way down her body. She lays a gentle peck on her lips, anything further might wake her and then licks her way down to her breasts.

Another moan leaves Chaeyoung's throat.

Tzuyu sucks a hardened nipple into her mouth and freezes when Chaeyoung begins to stir. She doesn't want her to wake before she finishes what she has in mind.

She glances up a little at Chaeyoung's face and satisfied that she's still asleep she moves down her body carefully positions herself between her legs.

Her tongue darts out of her mouth and traces the lines of the glistening lips. Chaeyoung lets out another moan but still doesn't wake up. Becoming bolder, Tzuyu slides a tongue into her center, and begins to lick it all over.

She sees Chaeyoung stir lightly, letting out another moan. Her eyes beginning to flutter, but it seems she is in a state between awake and dreaming.

When Tzuyu slides her tongue swiftly in between her glistening folds, Chaeyoung's eyes flies open. "Tzuyu-yah." She mutters, her voice unsteady and hoarse.

Tzuyu pulls away for a moment and their eyes meet in the dark. Tzuyu doesn't let go off her gaze, as she sinks her face between her legs again.

Still staring into her eyes, she flicks her tongue and licks her clit. Chaeyoung gasped and her head sinks back. Her breathing becomes shallow and quick, her body tingles with pleasure as every bite, lick and strokes sends her a little over the edge. She deliberately spreads her legs a little wider and places her hand on Tzuyu's head, pushing her into her further.

Her body begins to tremble and she clutches the sheets as her breath starts to come into gasps. She squirms under the expert tongue and lips on her swollen lips, and begins to ride her face in a steady rhythm.

Tzuyu increases her speed and intensity slightly, just enough to drive Chaeyoung crazy with want. She devours her pussy, enjoying every shudder, every shaky breath as Chaeyoung moves her hips faster in time with her tongue, thrusting herself into Tzuyu's awaiting mouth, groaning her name and making whimpering noises.

When Tzuyu sucks a pulsating clit into her mouth and pushes her tongue all the way into her throbbing center, and holds it for a moment, Chaeyoung comes hard crying out her name.

Her back arches, sweat glistens down her naked body, chest heaves, trembling hands threads through Tzuyu's hair holding her head in place and Tzuyu swears she never has seen a sight so beautiful in her life.

After a good minute, Chaeyoung finally have calm down from her orgasm as Tzuyu climbs up to her with a small smile in her smirking lips.

Chaeyoung playfully rolled her eyes and pushes Tzuyu's face away from her before chuckling.

She pulled the taller close to her before pulling her in for a kiss. They both shared a passionate and gentle kiss, enjoying how their lips perfectly collided with each other.

Tzuyu pulled away and pecks at the girl's lips.

"What were you dreaming a while ago?" She asked teasingly in which caused Chaeyoung to blushed in embarrassment.

"I can't help it y'know! it's not my fault that you're so hot as fuck!" Chaeyoung said in defense but the other one just laughed at her.

"You're lucky, I love you." She smiled and wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's naked body.

A chuckle emit out from Chaeyoung as she squished herself even more to the younger.

"I love you too, now lemme go back to sleep that you've caught off." She scoffed when she heard her laughing at her.

Tzuyu kisses her head and hugged her close to her before both of them drift off to sleep.

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