mafia's obsession

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Minatozaki Sana.

A dangerous name if average people may say, but they don't really know her background.

Ofcourse, hearing the name just in a sec, people had one thing in mind.

Powerful, merciless, ruthless.

She lives by that title, not that she gives a damn but oh girl, her past was darker than some bitches armpits.

Already interested on knowing her past? well good thing she gave me the permission to share her darkest secret.

Come and sit down, let's begin the dark past of Sana Minatozaki.

Way back a whole decade ago, a young orphan was kicked out by the orphanage because of her age.

She's already 18 years old yet no one was interested on adopting her since she's a little overage now.

She walks sadly on the streets without any knowledge where to head, her feet brought her to a empty road where she didn't know would be her unfortunate fate.

Afar from where she was standing, a black car was parked in the sides. A couple watched her movements with great curiosity.

The man in his mid 40's smiled at his wife, he removed the glasses his wearing and hang it in his shirt before focusing on his wife's reaction.

"What do you think about her dear? we've been eyeing her for awhile, you think she's perfect for the position?" The man excitedly questioned while the woman chuckled.

"Definitely she's perfect, call the men and grabbed her, tell them to be cautious about how they'll handle her. If i saw a single bruise on her skin, I'll slit them alive." The woman in her mid 30's hummed and glanced at her husband.

The man grin widely and contacted his workers to give them the signal.

"Go ahead and take her but remember, don't you ever harm her...." He trailed off with a sharp demanding tone.

-don't you dare touch my daughter."


Sana doesn't know why but she somehow wasn't frightened much when the couple came up to her after she was suddenly kidnapped.

She was kept in their hold, she was trained, home schooled, and was trained to be heartless to everyone that doesn't deserve respect.

After a few years, Sana was 21 when she first came up to her so called father.

The man was surprised but genuinely happy when he saw his daughter inside his study room curiously roaming her ones sparkling eyes on the tall shelf of books.

The man smiled and asked,

"Sana, dear? What're you doing here? you want anything, sweetie?" He asked sweetly to the young lady.

Sana looked at him blankly and licked her lips as she stop to look at her father's eyes.

"I want to study like you do, Papa..." She hoarse out.

Voice deep with sickening venom as she paused for a moment.

She look away from him and roam her eyes once again to the tall shelves of books with thick sheets.

She hummed and went closer to her father's pile of books and grabbed a thick book before continuing her sentence.

"I want to run our clan... The Minatozaki's empire and our family public and black market.. mother said you never get younger so it's my time to switch to your thrown..." She gulped as she stared at the wide orbs of her father.

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