should have done the right thing

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a/n: since i left y'all hanging, here's the part 2 of isn't this wrong 😜

btw this whole shot is about cheating so proceed with caution (?)

I'm not good with angst so pls forgive me 🙏🙏🙏

Author's pov:

"What?!? Don't you fucking dare Chaeyoung! do you want your mother to kill us both?!" Jeongyeon whispered shouted as she cornered the poor girl against the wall, her other hand choking her as she struggled to breath.

Chaeyoung puts both of her hands on her shoulder and pushed her off before snarling back at the older.

"I DON'T CARE! WHAT WE HAVE BEEN DOING IS WRONG! MY GUILT COULDN'T MAKE ME SLEEP PEACEFULLY KNOWING THAT I AM HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH MY MOTHER'S LOVER!" She frustratedly yelled back, her tears slowly flowing down as her heart ache at the memory of her mother crying late at night all because of them.

"I'm so tired of lying to mom, i love her so much that this thing between us ate me up so much!" She dropped on her knees as she sobbed all the burden she feels right now.

Jeongyeon fisted her hand and looks away, coldly looking at the blank wall before returning her gaze to the poor girl on the floor.

She went to her position and squats down, taking the girl's chin in between her fingers and made her looked up at her, Chaeyoung shivered when a pair of dark cold eyes bores through her own.

Silence coated them before Jeongyeon broke it and said.

"You should have think about the consequences before falling into temptation." Then she stood up and went to the door's direction, wanting to leave Chaeyoung by herself.


"Please be gentle..." Chaeyoung pleaded as she felt the older's fingers slowly pushing inside her which made her tremble in submission, Jeongyeon smirked and brought her other hand down to Chaeyoung's clit and rubbed it causing Chaeyoung to whimpered and accidentally let out a loud whine as her hands clasp at her mouth.

"Yeah, whine all you want if you want us to get caught by your mother... you naughty little girl~" The older licks her lips as she tooked the view infront of her.

Chaeyoung fully naked while ontop of her desk, legs spread open just for her access and mouth parted, letting out beautiful melodic sounds that made them both a blushing mess.

The girl's hands clumsily gripped at Jeongyeon's broad shoulders, biting her lip hard to prevent herself from crying out loud as she takes the older's fingers inside her.

They were both inside Jeongyeon's home office, secretly doing business while Nayeon was just around the house, probably doing some late night meetings in her own office in the third floor.

And Jeongyeon took that opportunity to grabbed her daughter and locked themselves inside her office just to devour her the whole night.

Upon being sensitive than she is already, Chaeyoung shuddered when she felt the fingers inside her curling up to her spot, repeatedly causing her to bucked her hips at the overwhelming pleasure.

"F-fuck- ah! I-im- so close!" Chaeyoung struggle to moan out as she dig her nails in Jeongyeon's shoulders causing the woman to groan loudly and continue to give Chaeyoung hard, deep thrust sending her over the edge.

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