Treat you better

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Pairing : Mina × Sana

Summary : Sana didn't want Mina's boyfriend... instead she wants Mina herself.


Mina's P o v

My fiance invited me to drink at a local bar from downtown, and even though he literally was with me and has his arms wrapped around me his attention was obviously stolen by one of the hot chic from the second floor who's also staring at us.

I can't help but scoffed in disbelief. My own eyes was witnessing how my fiance eyes hungrily at the woman. I saw the woman smirk and drop her drink down before disappearing from our sight. I heard my fiance infront of me sighing in disappointment.

I rolled my eyes and hit his chest, he looks at me with furrowed brows and frowns.

"Mina? what was that for? why'd you hit me?" He asked me questionally while looking in my eyes, his arms long gone from my waist because i swatted it away.

"Oh? you don't know? well fuck you Jungkook! you're disappointed because you didn't get the chance to eye fuck the chic up there?" I said to him making him chuckle, crossing his arms around his chest while smiling. ( nah cuz this guy is everywhere in wattpad 🤡)

"Yeah? what about it? she's long gone babe, why would you be jealous of her?" He said making me clinch my fist into balls, I glared at him and to tell you i had fucking enough of him.

I took off my engagement ring and throw it in his face, his teasing smile dropped when he realizes. He shakily pick up the ring and look at me nervously.

"Hey, i didn't mean to... I'm sorry babe, please wear it back, Mina.." he pleaded and reached for me but before i could avoid his hands on my own, to my surprised someone pulled me away from him and i was instantly hit by a faint scent of sweet watermelon perfume.

And a feminine dark voice spoke to my fiance with the gentle hand still wrap around my wrist.

"What a perfect timing~ I didn't know it was this easy to steal such a pretty lady away from a pervert jerk? how amazing." I look up and saw the woman from the second floor awhile ago? what...

She was smirking at Jungkook as i felt her arms wrapping at my waist, possessively pulling me to her side, I gasped in surprised.

The woman looks at me and sent me a gentle smile and to say, she was fucking breath taking this up close.

oh my god, i think i become gay-

My thoughts got caught off when i heard Jungkook snorting in the corner. I glared at him while he chuckle at the woman beside me.

"What?- you were checking me out earlier and was flirting with me back? now you sound like you want to fuck my fiance? how ridiculous, lady.." he said while smirking but the woman didn't bulged instead she chuckled and pulled me much more closer to her and i gladly cling into her since she was really warm compared to that guy over there.

I smiled and hug her, hiding my face in her neck as her perfume invaded my nose making it tickle a bit, i giggled.

"Stop assuming things, i was obviously eye saying that i want your woman not your ass." I heard Jungkook gasped but i didn't care less since the woman started to gently run her arms around my shoulder which i find very comforting.

"Now, i will leave with my woman for now, goodbye~" then i was pulled out of the bar leaving Jungkook all by himself while shutting my name from behind. I didn't care though since the woman pulled me to her side, basically side hugging her which i find adorable.

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