the prettiest girl I've ever seen

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"Good morning, sweetheart~" Mina giggled as the arms wrapped around her tighten and kisses were showering her face early in the morning.

Jihyo her girlfriend, looks at her lovingly as her eyes twinkle with love. Hearing her adorable girlfriend's soft laughs early in the morning was enough to make her heart beat fast as it filled her stomach with nothing but fluttering butterflies.

Mina smiled widely as she face her sweet girl from behind. She turns her body to face her completely and draped her arms around the older's neck. Smiles never leaving their faces while they held each other tenderly.

Jihyo leans forward and planted a sweet warm peck in Mina's pink lips causing a blush to trail all across her cheeks. Jihyo laughed at her cuteness.

"My pretty girl is so cute~" Mina giggled at this before pulling her girlfriend to a sweet kiss. Both of them sighing in contentment when their lips contracted with each other, hearts beating at the same time as they cherish each other's touch.

Mina pulled away from her and caught her girlfriend smiling at her widely, she chuckled.

"Good morning to honey... hm.. how's your sleep?" She ask still wearing that smile that never failed to make Jihyo's insides melt. She brought her hand to Mina's cheeks and slightly squeeze it gently, Mina's nose scrunch making her laugh.

"I didn't sleep at all.." Mina frown hearing that, she brought her hand to Jihyo's waist and lightly pinch it while shaking her head. Jihyo winced.

"What did i say about not sleeping at the right time?" She knitted her brows as Jihyo smiled at her sheepishly. She nervously scratch her nape and chuckled. God she hate making her girlfriend upset with her odd behaviors.

"Mianhae~ i can't help myself but to admire your angelic face while you're sleeping." She pouted and looks away from her girlfriend, Mina looks at her with a smile. She laughs before pecking her girlfriend's lips sweetly. The kicked puppy look at Jihyo's face was replaced with a wide gummy grin, Mina's heart melts at the side.

"You pabo! you know how much i hate it when I'm being observe while sleeping... though I'll make you an exception~" she giggled when Jihyo blushes in red. Jihyo scooted away from her because of embarrassment.

She reach her Jihyo and pulled her to her side again. She and her girlfriend's eyes each other before giggling like maniacs. Mina slaps Jihyo's shoulder gently as her stomach twist because of so much laughter.

Jihyo stops for a while just to admire her girl. Her cute little penguin that she's had loved for 2 years now and counting. She can't believe that this girl beside her that is the definition of perfection is truly and surely hers.

"There you go with your staring again!" She snap back when she heard Mina's soft whines, she laughs and embraced her girl in her arms, smiles never leaving their faces. She looks at her girl carefully and saw the twinkle in Mina's eyes as she smiles at her widely.

"Gosh... I can't believe you really are mine, you're so perfect."she whispered out of nowhere, eyes never leaving Mina's face. Mina on the other hand, smiled when she heard the girl's words, blushed spreads in her fluffy cheeks.

"So you are pabo~ now.. I'll prepare our breakfast and you better sleep!" She glared at Jihyo making the girl pout, her arms around Mina tighten as she whines.

"But i want to spend more time with you~" she whines at her, Mina sigh before shutting her up with a kiss.

Their lips perfectly collided with each other, it's filled with nothing but sincerity and love.

Mina pulls away and smile. Jihyo returns her smile as well.

"No more complaining, Jihyo Park." She ordered as Jihyo smiled at her like a child. She smirk before getting up from the bed. When she was about to stand up, she heard her girlfriend whistling from her back making her realized that she's still naked. She blushed and threw a pillow at Jihyo's direction.

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