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Pairing; Jihyo × Tzuyu

Summary; Jihyo was out of town for a week because of her business trip and her wife, Tzuyu has a surprise for her when she goes home.

(A/n: i hope this makes sense...)


Third person's pov;

"I'm home! Tzuyu?" Jihyo entered the house, she looks around the quiet corners of the house and saw her wife grinning at her from the kitchen.

Jihyo excited merged there as she hugged the girl tightly feeling all the stress the felt from all week long trip vanished just by being in the younger's comfortable warmth.

"Welcome back, Jihyo-yah ~ why don't you go to our room for a sec? I'm so excited about my surprise for you!" Jihyo chuckled but nonetheless made her way to the room upstairs.

Jihyo pushed the door open to their shared bedroom and drop her luggages on the floor before letting out a sigh of relief, the door behind her slammed open loudly causing her to jump in her spot and immediately turned around, only to see her wife standing there without any emotion.

Nonetheless she still smiled and was about to approach the younger but only to yelp loudly when she got pushed back to the bed and only to be pinned down with the girl hovering over her with a mischievous smirk twitch on the corner of her lips.

Jihyo gulped at the sight and tried to talk still Tzuyu refrained her from doing so and expertly tooked the opportunity to slid her tongue inside her mouth and kiss her sloppily and made contact with her tongue from time to time.

Jihyo moaned at hot sensation, feeling suddenly lightheaded from them just kissing each other hotly. They made out for a few minutes before pulling apart from each other's mouth to let the air engulfed their lungs. Tzuyu gulped at how hot her wife looks like from below her, panting hardly, hair scattered in the mattress and lastly with her shirt and skirt hike up exposing the smooth tanned skin of her beautiful wife.

She purred and left feather light kisses on the surface of Jihyo's exposed neck while her hands roamed inside the girl's body, groping and touching her in the best way as possible. Jihyo was practically a moaning mess above the girl, eyes shut tightly as she tilted her neck to give Tzuyu more access to her skin, giving her a silent signal to keep 'marking' her.

Her legs being lifted by Tzuyu's other free hand and wrapped them around her hips, pulling their body flushed together and that's when Jihyo felt something poking against the fabric of her already ruined panty, her brows furrowed in confusion before opening her eyes and darted them down to the crotch of her wife. Seeing an already visible tent on her trousers.

Jihyo looks at Tzuyu questionably causing the girl to click her tongue on the side of her inner cheek and slightly turned her head to the right. The hands of the taller girl undid Jihyo's skirt together with her shirt before undoing her's until a perfect 7 inch strap was exposed to Jihyo's sight causing her mouth to agape and looks at her wife horrified. Tzuyu rolled her eyes before leaving the bed, only to return back with a lube, rope, gag, blindfold on her hold.

Jihyo shiver upon seeing the items in her hands, her lower already gushing from arousal yet she was still uncomfortable somehow thinking that a 'cock' might be pushing inside her in some any point and she was inexperience with this play. Only doing girly one night stands in her college days while randomly making out with some girl classmates in her high school.

In short, she just didn't want to deal with boys in some point of her life- she's just gay in all her life.

So seeing this 'poll' almost looking exactly like one which she just saw from porn videos( which she first saw something like that when she caught the younger watching something eagerly on her phone) was making her turned on yet with great fright speaking within her. Tzuyu must have notice and quickly comforted her wife by showering her with lovely sweet kisses all over her skin which her lips could reached and whispered some assuring words in her ear.

With her hands gently caressing Jihyo's shoulders from both sides. And it successfully work though since Jihyo was less tense this time around and so she urges the girl to start her move while she contained herself from flinching when Tzuyu tied her wrist together in a not so tight yet less loosen knot.

Tzuyu smiled at her reassuringly before grabbing the next item and put it securely around Jihyo's eyes causing her to loss her ability to see what was about to happen in the next minutes. Tzuyu peck her cheeks softly then to her lips, pecking it rapidly as she grapped the lube from the side and settle it down a little closer to her hold.

Tzuyu distracted Jihyo in a searing heated kiss while her two hands were busy roaming the girl's body, groping her boobs until both of Jihyo's nipple were proudly standing in sight as it stiffen even more against the flat of Tzuyu's palm. She pull away from the kiss and travels down to kiss against Jihyo's neck, kissing the red tinted mark there before continuing trailing down to her stiff hard buds and happily engulfed them in her lips, sealing it with a harsh suck and run her wet muscle around the surface of the sensitive skin, it's color slowly turning into a bright color of red as it become much more sensitive in each passing seconds.

Jihyo moaned in sensitivity but couldn't do anything since she was still enjoying it- very much enjoying being under the mercy of her wife. Though when Tzuyu bite down on her nipple, she jolted up from the bed out of surprised and accidentally let out a loud scream of surprised and Tzuyu hisses before clasping her mouth using her hands.

She gritted her teeth at the side of Jihyo's ear before throwing her a quick warning.

"Shh... Jihyo our friends are just down stairs! don't disturb them!" And so, she grab ahold of the ball gag and made Jihyo wear it which caught the older off.

"Don't worry though, I'll make every second of you keeping down pleasurable." Then Jihyo heard a opening of a bottle's cap then something cold leaks down her core which made her shudder at the feeling.

She heard a chuckle from the girl above and didn't more make any sounds.

Tzuyu run a single finger in her slit and smirk when she saw a visible fluid mixed with the lube glistening in her finger. She didn't much have to wait though, she slowly pushes a finger inside and thrust it evenly too much for Jihyo's liking as a few not so loud moans escape out of the gag into Tzuyu's ears, her face brighten in red as she watched the girl clouded in pleasure because of her.

Soon she was pushing inside a third finger trying to ready the girl for her upcoming thick cock, widening and scissoring her fingers in the best way as possible causing Jihyo to shudder again.

And when Tzuyu knew she was ready, she pulled out of her then proceed to coat the shaft with the lube and jerks it off trying to spread as much as lube around the head all the way to the base to not make Jihyo uncomfortable.

She parted Jihyo's puffy lips then landed a kiss on her forehead as she pushes the head pass through the opening of Jihyo's hole. A scream surpassed Jihyo's lips as the blindfold started to wet a little from Jihyo's fresh tears.

Tzuyu comforted her wife and placed kisses all over her, making her adjust to the size before proceeding to plunged the full capacity of the length all the way to the brick of Jihyo's womb as another whine escape away from the gag into Tzuyu's ears too much for her delight.

Her fingers brush in Jihyo's bud as she thrusted wildly against her entrance causing Jihyo to let out unholy sounds that encouraged Tzuyu to do more eagerly on pleasing her wife.

And after a few more moments, a shudder in her spine as her body shakes while her pussy convulses releasing a lot of pleasured fluids out of her body into the sheets.

Tzuyu exhaustedly pulled out the toy and throw it to the floor before slumping her body into Jihyo's limp one.

They both tried to catch their breath as they enjoy their selves tucked in each other's embrace.

After a while, Tzuyu lazily sat up and carefully removed Jihyo's restraints out of her body and let them joined with the used strap on the floor as she quickly embrace the small girl flushed to her body.

Showering her with sweet praises and neverending kisses all over her body while Jihyo sleeps soundly on her arms, obviously tired from their intense intercourse.

Tzuyu smile and layed a kiss on Jihyo's head before slowly sleeping herself.

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