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Pairing: Momo x Sana

Summary: Momo wants to try something together with her girlfriend Sana, without knowing that her girlfriend wants something more public sex.

a/n: hwahwahwa I'm currently in school right now, writing a whole freaking smut while my classmates are singing a holy song ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Top Momo x Bottom Sana

"Hey, Mo! why did you want to meet me again?" Sana ask her girlfriend Momo curiously right after their dismissal. Momo was leaning against the side of the tree while Sana was seating on the swing by the side.

Momo throws away the gum from her mouth and went infront of her girlfriend, putting herself in between Sana's thighs. Her hands grabbing into Sana's, Sana look at her confused.

"Y'know my job being a online porn star right?" Momo blurted out making sure that nobody was around when she said that.

Sana nodded at her slowly, not getting Momo's point. She grasp at their intertwined hands.

"Yeah? and what about it?" Though she knew her girlfriend was a pornstar she didn't mind that fact though, as long as Momo doesn't involve anyone in her contents and Sana is fine with it.

Momo sigh before saying.

"Well... I've been thinking about.. um.. about us? together making contents on my page? i want to ask your consent if it's fine?" She explained and lets out a nervous chuckle when she saw Sana gasp.

Sana was honestly taken aback by the request of her girlfriend, the fact that she knew there would be a camera filming her and Momo while having sex was a little disturbing - no, cause it totally was.

She find it weird and creepy having people watch them having a very intense intercourse. She was having second thoughts.

She looks at Momo with a unreadable and doubtful expression, her mouth slacking off and her hands tense against Momo's.

Momo noticed and smiled a little before leaning in to take a quick kiss on her girlfriend's parted lips.

"Relax, everything will be blurred i promise... i meant our faces will be and your private -" she leans even closer to Sana's ear and Sana could literally feel Momo's honey breath fanning at her skin making her shiver.

"After all everything about you is for me to only see." She smirks and lets go of Sana's hands leaving her alone in the school garden still speechless.

Sana blinked multiple times while looking at Momo's figure from a good few meters away.

"What had gotten into her wanting our sex life being shared online? this is one of her kinks?" She ask to herself and frowns before catching up with Momo.


"Yah Momo! why do you want our sex life to be shared in the internet?" Sana can't help but asked since that thought was bothering her every second that passes by.

Momo beside her lift her brows and look away from her phone for a sec to face her pouting girlfriend. Slight confusion puzzled flash in her face.

"What do you mean share? i am not sharing it publicly, i am only going to upload it to my only fans... it will be exclusive.." she explained making Sana confused even more.

"Only fans? what's that? still people will see!" She whine and trash around the couch making Momo sigh and pull her in her lap.

"Look babe, i know you're uncomfortable with a camera filming us but i can reassure you.. no one will ever discover who you are and who am i... though in the middle of doing that I'll make sure you'll gonna forget about the humiliation about we're going to do." Momo seriously said and kisses Sana on thr cheek sending the doubting girl a reassuring smile.

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