storage room

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Pairing : Tzuyu × Mina

Summary : Tzuyu need Mina's assistance...

a/n: this is embarrassing to say but.. i got the idea while buying something at the mall 😭😭😭

Top Tzuyu × Bot Mina

Tzuyu roams around the mall early in the afternoon since she got out of school just to find the shoes she will use for their next week's event.

She checks every shoes she sees and just sighs in disappointment when she realizes that it doesn't fit her size. (👀)

Soon after roaming for about 12 minutes, she finally found the perfect one that she's confident it'll look perfect on her. She smiled and excitedly pick up the shoes and frowns when she saw it was too small for her feet.

She roams her eyes around the area and immediately got stop at a particular girl. She was the most elegant saleslady she has ever seen in her life.

She took a deep breath before calling out the girl's attention.

"Miss?!" She called out the girl and was successful since the girl turned her head to her direction and immediately went to her side.

"Yes ma'am?" And to say, this close-up look of the girl she was able to check her up and down.

The girl akwardly cleared her throat and caught Tzuyu's attention, she embarrassingly scratch her neck.

She pointed to the shoes in her hands and the girl looks at her confused.

"Don't you have any bigger sizes of this shoe?" Tzuyu asked while the girl clicks her tongue and nodded.

"Yes we do have, please follow me..." the girl said and Tzuyu followed her all the way to the ground floor where the malls huge storage room is located.

"Just call me Tzuyu please.." Tzuyu said while the girl confusedly nodded.

"Hey what about you? what's your name?" Tzuyu said while pouting the girl was hesitant at first but ended up spilling her name because of Tzuyu's eagerness.

"Fine, I'm Mina." Tzuyu smiled in victory.

"And i think that shoe's stack is located in the back part so... please kinda be patient with me." Mina akwardly chuckled as Tzuyu hummed at her.

"I don't mind." - Tzuyu said.


When Mina realized that only her and Tzuyu where the only ones in the back of the storage room, she gulps when she felt Tzuyu's presence started to get closer to her.

And before she knew it, she was pinned by Tzuyu a minute later that she didn't know how it even happened.

Tzuyu kiss Mina's neck as Mina tilted her head up to give Tzuyu more access to kiss, she heard the brown hair girl chuckle in amusement. Her long fingers brushing away the strand of hair out of Mina's face as she pull away from her neck.

Mina was a blushing mess as her hodded eyes search for Tzuyu's, hands hanging loosely at the taller girl's shoulder as a lump form in her throat.

Tzuyu smiles and whisper near her face.

"Such a pretty girl.." Mina blushed at her words and sent out a soft smile to Tzuyu, Tzuyu melted at how cute Mina is.

Her hands cupped Mina's cheeks as she caress it gently while mumbling praises.

"So cute and adorable too... gosh, i badly want to fuck you right now..." She said and went back kissing Mina messily on the lips, as her hands roams down to Mina's blouse and started to unbutton it, not wasting anytime to remove the piece of clothing.

Mina pulled away from the kiss and gasp for air, Tzuyu on the other hand lowers her kisses and started to nibble and gently suck at mina's neck and collarbones, her hands cupping right behind Mina to find the clasp of her bra before opening it.

After the bra fall to the ground, Tzuyu immediately hastily launched her mouth around a nipple and suck at it while her other hand was kneading the other. Mina gasp in surprised making her hand slap against her mouth while the other was grasping at Tzuyu's hair pulling her much closer.

"T-tzuyu... augh~" soft whimpers spilling out of her mouth as it was block by her hand. Tzuyu pulled away from her breast before smashing her lips hungrily to Mina. She sighed before sliding her hands down toward Mina's skirt, pulling upwards the clothing and just stop until the skirt reaches her hips. Her hands soothing the skin as she traces it using her thumb.

"You're so beautiful Mina~" Tzuyu manage to say all while kissing the blonde, Mina moaned in response.

Tzuyu pulled down her lavender underwear and swiftly turned Mina's body against the wall without any warning. Mina yelps when her sensitive nipples hits the cold concrete wall.

Tzuyu chuckled and caress her ass, before her hand lands a spank on her ass causing Mina to squeak in surprised, her tears slowly flowing down as her skin started to get sensitive as Tzuyu continues to deliver her blows each time much more harder than the last one.

She soothe the skin right after delivering her last blow to Mina, she made sure that Mina was already dripping wet before stopping, she slowly spread Mina's folds using her fingers and smirk when she heard the slickness of Mina's core was creating after it made contact with her fingers.

Mina moaned when Tzuyu rubs her slowly, her fingers clumsily grasping at Tzuyu's sleeve when she felt her enter her slowly while still rubbing her. Tzuyu's other free hand grasp at her hair before tugging it backwards making her neck arch backwards.

"T-tzuyu..." She whimper in pain and Tzuyu thrusted into her, first started slow but than she started to fasten her pace all while marking Mina's neck. She panted against her neck.

"You're getting so tight Mina... you must be close huh?" She chuckles when Mina desperately nodded at her and felt her clenching at her. She pulled Mina into a kiss and started rubbing at her clit even faster making Mina buckle her hips as her orgasm approaches.

It didn't take long before Mina was crying over the edge as she convulses against Tzuyu's hold. Tzuyu help her rode out her orgasm until she finally calmed down.

Tzuyu pulled her into her front before claiming her lips with hers.

They both sighed and pull away. And that's when Mina realized what she was supposed to be there in the first place. She panic.

"W-wait- I should be finding your sho-" she was about to say about Tzuyu's shoes but got caught off by a peck on the lips, she blushed.

"I don't need it anymore though, i already have you." Tzuyu winked at her and help her dressed up as both of them came out at the back storage.

Tzuyu turns to Mina and smiled.

"Until next time, Mina... Thank you for your service..." She whispered and left leaving Mina all fluttered and blushing as she smiled at her spot.

"See you again, Tzuyu..."


a/n: i cut classes hahwahwa- just kidding i didn't though... I think? nah~ my teacher doesn't give a single fuck about me. (^∇^)ノ

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