Tzuyu's Harem

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Sana's Pov

I went out of my car as a security from the hotel that I've been staying for awhile now approaches me and tooked hold of my car keys to park my Ferrari in the Hotel's parking lot. As i proceed myself inside the Hotel lobby, there chandelier glimmering and shinning like a star that's displayed in the dark night sky.

Admiring the ambience here, A hotel female personel went to me and greeted me as i nod my head. " Good evening, Ms. Minatozaki." she greeted and passes me a small black suitcase making sure no one notices it before she hands me it quietly as i thanked her. " Thank you, Ms. Jang." i whispered as she responds me a sweet smile before leaving me alone, after that i went inside the quiet elevator. Tapping my heels impatiently on the marbled elevator floors, gripping the suitcase handle from now and then just in time the elevator doors opened revealing my hotel room floor. I tooked out my key card and scan it over the door scanner, the doors automatically opens itself making me proceed inside as the lights of my room light up themselves when i reached inside.

After i settle down the keys and suitcase down on a table i tooked off my shades and coat, putting them down on the nearby couch as i turn on the heater to less down the coldness of the room. "Why are you late again, Minatozaki?" A voice spoke out ever so softly, i turned around and was greeted by my wife's feminine figure she was smiling softly as she approach me " I have a lot of things to fixed in the company, dear" I answered her and wrapped my arms around her slim waist and brought our faces together as she tangles her arms around my shoulder.

Mina, my wife chuckles at my tone as she gently pecks my lips softly humming when i brought our lips again for a sweet kiss. " You've been busy a lot, dear. You should take a rest even just for a while," she reminds and removes my grip from her as she take hold of my fingers and brought us to the kitchen. She signals me to sat down which i complied without any other complaints.

Mina serves me a meal which i gladly dig in right after she places the food down, my actions cause Mina to let out a giggle and taps my shoulders ever so softly. " Dear, the food is not going to run away from you," she playfully reminds and seats down on the opposite side and just silently watched me eat. A few minutes of her staring at me her phone suddenly chimed breaking the silently atmosphere coating us, she sighs and picks up her phone. " I will just take this call, dear." she bids and exited the kitchen leaving me once again alone all by myself. After finishing up my food i placed them on the sink, tying my hair into a high ponytail and pulled my sleeves up before starting to washed them up.

While cleaning the plates, i felt slender arms slid down both of my sides as i felt hot breath fanning against my neck indicating my wife's presence, she kisses my neck and ears whispering sorry's for leaving me quite a while ago. I smiled and turn around finally facing her again this night. I place my arms around her shoulders and sweetly shut her up with a kiss. She smiles against the kiss and finally responded to me, moving her lips smoothly against mine. I crane my neck to my side when her lips move their way towards there.

" Hey, stop i have to finish washing here," I scolded her and softly pushed her away from me before things would get out of hand. She chuckles and apologizes " Right, sorry i just got a little too handy. And you better take some rest, I'll be the one finishing this ones, dear." she offers which i have no choice but to take it since this woman here won't stop until she gets what she wants leaving me no choice at all. Giving her a peck on the cheeks i soon proceed to the bathroom to take a shower. Mina soon entered as well, taking her toothbrush she begins to brush her teeth while i take a warm relaxing shower.

" Who called you earlier?" I spoke out when i heard her gargling and probably spits it out, i didn't hear any of her response and just payed no attention to it " It was nothing, dear. Just some business projects I'll be working on the next few weeks." she reasoned out which i wasn't satisfied the way she answered. If it's really business related then why didn't she told me about it much earlier a while ago. If you didn't know, i know all long what's Mina been doing behind my back. She's been cheating on me for awhile now which they say she really didn't take it seriously since she's "still inlove" with me. Such a dirty bitch, why would she cheat if she's still inlove with me? She's really nasty, good thing that cheating behind me didn't affect anything towards me.

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