the couples next door

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I just read a story that i think one of the chapter was inspired by my 'reminder'(?) I'm not sure if im right but if it's true, I'm glad that you guys enjoy reading my book!

Blushing and screaming actually, I'll try my best to give you guys weekly updates from now on (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)

Also, writing a whole shit of sinful stuff even though 'Switch to me' by dubchaeng's playing on my headphones, idk what's up with my playlist help-

Anyways here's an update to keep you guys up, while i here on the other hand is half awake while writing this.


In Yoo-Myoui apartment:

"I'm putting it inside, love." Jeongyeon said softly to her girlfriend that was covering her face with her hands, she watched as Mina's chest took in deep and shallow breath as she took in every inch that was pushed inside her.

Jeongyeon smiled as she slowly halted her hips when she was sure that the strap was fully inside Mina. She leans her body towards Mina as Mina moaned at the sudden movement, she spreads her legs apart and wraps it around Jeongyeon's hips causing her to whimper as the strap pushed inside her completely.

"I already put it in." Jeongyeon whispered to her as she planted both of her elbows on either sides of Mina's head. Mina chuckled and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's neck to pull her closer against her.

Jeongyeon smiled at her and slowly moves her hips in a slow agonizing pace as she let Mina adjust to the strap. Mina throw her head back at the pleasure, she cupped either sides of her cheeks and brought their face impossibly closer.

"Kiss me, Jeongyeon-ah." Mina whined out as Jeongyeon chuckled at her cuteness despite being in the middle of having a heated intercourse. She pecked her lips softly as she whispered.

"Aigo, you're so cute, baby, Mmh.. I love you." She then pulled her into a kiss, swiftly sliding down her tongue to meet with Mina's own, she cupped her breasts and kneaded it softly.

She begin moving her hips at a much faster pace which made Mina pulled away from the kiss to moan loudly. Clutching her hands at Jeongyeon's shoulders, digging her nails against her skin causing Jeongyeon to hissed in pain.

"Fuck, are you close, love?" Jeongyeon asked as she begin thrusting harder as Mina's thighs shook uncontrollably, she rake her nails behind Jeongyeon's back as the older groan loudly in pain.

She snaps her hips and begin pounding her against the mattress, Mina cried out as she felt her stomach clenching tightly.

"I- I'm coming! Ah! Jeongyeon-ah!" She wailed loudly as she reached her climax. Jeongyeon slowed down her hips, only delivering slow and gentle thrusts to help Mina ride out her orgasm.

Soon, she halts as Mina finally regained her breath, both of them look at each other and begins laughing as Mina pulled Jeongyeon on top of her and hugged the older tightly.

"Sorry i couldn't say it back earlier but i love you too, Jeongyeon-ah~" Mina smiled sweetly at her as Jeongyeon felt her heart melt at the sight. She planted a kiss on her cheek as Mina giggled at her action.

"Jeong?" Mina called out after, Jeongyeon hummed as she was busy placing lazy kisses all over her naked shoulders.

"Yes?" Jeongyeon raised her eyebrows to her in question.

"You should pull out now, I'm starting to get sore." Mina chuckled as Jeongyeon immediately turned red as came into realization.

"Oh, sorry!"


In Park-Minatozaki apartment:

Jihyo run the head of her shaft against Sana's glistening folds, enjoying how dirty it sounds when the tip of the strap contracts with Sana's wet lips. Pulling the strap away as it glisten with Sana's evident arousal.

She gripped the shaft against her hand and presses it firmly it on Sana's clit from behind causing Sana to jerk in surprised and moans loudly at the contact, Jihyo chuckled and plants her palms firmly on Sana's hips to stop her attempts on getting the strap inside her.

"I'm coming, Jeongyeon-ah!"

Jihyo's ears perked up at the faint sound coming beside their room, she laughs in amusement when she realized that she wasn't the only one having sexy time at this hour.

"Poor Minari." She chuckles while Sana squirm under her helplessly, wanting to get the same attention Mina was currently experiencing.

"Put it in, Jihyo-yah!" Sana whines against her but Jihyo was quick to smacked her in the ass while she jolts in surprised.

"Be patient, honey. Don't want to be punished right?" Sana shook her head side to side as she struggles to keep herself sane. She impatiently bit her lip as she waited for Jihyo to stopped teasing her.

Jihyo hummed as she run her hand against Sana's body, cupping and kneading the soft flesh of her ass as she lines the tip of the shaft against Sana's dripping heat.

Sana buckles her hips impatiently as Jihyo chuckled in amusement.

"What a impatient baby." Sana whines when she felt Jihyo pop the head in, completely ignoring her comment.

"Fuck, fuck me, Jihyo-yah!" Sana moans at each hard snaps of Jihyo's hips, she immediately complied to her girlfriend's demand as she grasped Sana's hips firmly as she pounds her from behind.

Sneaking her hand towards Sana's bottom and cupped her cunt, fingers teasing her peeking swollen clit causing Sana to cry out her name loudly.

Sana planted her palms on either side of the sheets and took all her strength to thrust her hips back to Jihyo's snapping hips. Jihyo leans down as her other hand plants firmly on Sana's hips, guiding her to thrust back to her.

She placed kisses all over Sana's naked back and nibbles her earlobe in her mouth, biting the soft flesh as she listens to Sana's loud unrestrained cries, she chuckles.

"Come for me, sweetie.. I want the whole building to know who's making you feel good tonight." She whispered as she licked her earlobe. Sana whimpers helplessly under her as she felt herself getting closer to the edge.

And she cries out loudly when Jihyo presses her fingers firmly against her clit and she felt herself reached the her limit, gushing around the thick strap as Jihyo help her ride out her high.

"Jihyo! Jihyo! C-Cumming! Jihyo-yah!"


"Jihyo! Jihyo! C-Cumming! Jihyo-yah!"

Sana's loud cries echoed against their wall, Jeongyeon sighed as Mina blushes against her arms.

"Gosh... Jihyo's doing it yet again." She whispered as Mina chuckled.

"I hope Sana can still walk tomorrow.. Nayeon unnie and Momo will fetch us tomorrow." Jeongyeon laughs at how worried Mina was so she placed a kiss on her forehead to reassure her.

"We have a wheelchair here, let her use it-"


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