In The Kitchen

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Pairing: Mina × Nayeon

Summary: Mina woke up early to cooked breakfast but it came out completely a mess... if she may say.


7: 30 am.

That's what she reads from the wall clock infront of their bedroom as she adjust her eyesight from the blinding sunlight. She was about to got up from the bed but was stopped when she felt hands securely wrapped around her waist as a quiet whine leaves from her girlfriend's lips.

Mina chuckled to herself and turned to her side to face her girlfriend. She puts both of her palms on either side of her girlfriend's cheeks and placed a sweet loving peck on it causing a wide grin to appear on her lips.

Mina shakes her head and slowly unwrapped the arms that were trapping her before securing a pillow back in her girlfriend's arms in replace for herself.

She sat on the side of the bed and stretches her arms up as a small yawn escaped from her mouth. She made her way to the bathroom inside their bedroom and started doing her routine, she got in the shower and did her hygiene and skincare right after.

After taking care of herself, she went down stairs to prepare breakfast for the two of them as well preparing the food for their beloved dogs, kookiue and ray.

She squats down as she opens the refrigerator, hoping to cook something easy that won't took all her time. After deciding what she'll cook, she places all of the ingredients in the counter and grabs the pan and other tools she'll needed.

She then places the tools in the sink and started washing them up until she heard light footsteps down the stairs and little grumbles only knowing where they came from. She smiles and finishes washing before drying them and readies the stove.

And so, she heard the chair from behind being occupied and a light bang echoed in the quiet kitchen. Mina clicks her tongue only thinking one thing the girl did from her chair.

"Probably bang her head and continues her sleep."

Oh how careless of her girlfriend is,

Mina then started cooking their breakfast and the snores of her girlfriend is the only thing she could here aside from the sound of her stirring the soup she's making.

"Mina-yah?" She heard her name being called out by her girlfriend after she transferred the soup away from the stove, she turns off the stove before she hummed as a response.

Footsteps were heard from behind her but she didn't really mind it since she was pretty occupied in making them both a cup of coffee.

"What is it, Nayeon-ah?" She asked again when she didn't hear any response from the older but flinches when a pair of arms was secured once again around her middle.

Nayeon on the other hand notices how her girlfriend was startled when she does that, she giggles and buried her face in Mina's neck as a sigh escapes from her lips.

Feeling really comfortable with this position, she inhales the natural scent of her girlfriend and immediately relaxes. Mina also relaxed and smiled at her girlfriend's cute action as she reaches for her hair before patting it gently.

She felt Nayeon saying something from her shoulder but she couldn't hear it so she asked her to repeat it again.

"What is it, Nayeonnie?" She asked the older sweetly and turn her head slightly to the side to look at Nayeon but only found her staring back at her with siren eyes. Mina gulped at the sight of Nayeon staring dangerously at her- specifically on her lips.

Nayeon was still silent after a few more seconds, only staring at Mina with deadly desire. Mina was nervously gulping, praying that the older won't pry on her early in the morning.

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