sneaky movie night

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It was a chilly winter night when the Twice girlies decided to have a movie marathon. Nayeon has been whining about wanting to watch this new movie that Yeri had recommended to her.

The others didn't disagree with her since they were tired of listening to the grandma's constant whining.

Inshort, they had no choice.

"Alright, since we're having a movie night, who will volunteer order us some foods?" Jihyo asked as she turns on the big flat screen tv on their living room.

Numerous shouts responded to her but Momo's voice enlightened even more.

"I will! I will! I have Nayeon-unnie's credit card so it's no biggie!" She happily exclaimed as she sway the black card on the air.

Nayeon's horrified gasped echoed on the living room as she glared at Momo's direction.

"You little rat-! give me back my fucking card!" She shouts and came chasing the giggling Momo.

"You can't catch me! your bones are already crook-!" Momo didn't even have a chance to finish her sentence when she came crashing on the ground. (everything i need is on the ground -")

Jihyo facepalm before turning to the other two J-line members.

"Come on, get your fellow japanese before Nayeon buries her 6-feet under ground." Jihyo nonchalantly commanded them as Sana dramatically gasped with Mina facepalming beside her.

The two got up from the couch and followed the screams of horror upstairs.

Jihyo then turns to Tzuyu and Jeongyeon. Tzuyu had her arms around Jeongyeon's neck as she straggle her with no any emotion displayed on her face.

"Shit! Jihyo-yah- help me, oh my fucking god-!" Jeongyeon pleaded as her face color turns red from how strong Tzuyu's gripped are.

She sighed and pushed away the two from each other. Jeongyeon fell on the floor gasping while Tzuyu was blankly staring at the older girl on the floor.

"Tzuyu... what the heck did she do to you again?" Jihyo asked her.

"Yah! you should be asking me not her-" A flying slipper cut Jeongyeon off.

Tzuyu sighed as she fixed her hair before plainly looking at Jihyo's small frame.

"She called me a stick that's why I'm planning to make her one." She answered bluntly as Jihyo roll her eyes, immediately glaring at Jeongyeon on the floor.

"That's cute, how about you help your unnies stop Nayeon from murdering Momo?" Jihyo smiled at her as the youngest obediently nodded her head and went out of the living room.

She then turns to Jeongyeon who's still on the floor and glared at her.

"You get your ass up there and go get us some popcorn and drinks." Jeongyeon rolled her eyes and stomp away towards the wide kitchen across the room.

"Gosh... I'm only 27 yet i look like a divorced woman with 8 handful kids-" She stopped then turned to the other two that were on the couch cuddled up.

She smiled at the sight and pat their heads because they look so adorable right now.

"Good thing, you two babies are so behaved! I'll get the others while you two stay there okay?" The two giggled and nodded at her.

"Ofcourse, Jihyo-unnie!"



After another hour, everyone was finally settled and has finally calmed down. Their movie night had already started as they all took interest on the movie that's playing on the screen.

Everyone was just enjoying, chatting with each other and eats every once in a while but still doesn't stop paying attention to the movie that's rolling infront of them.

The girls were divided into three groups.

In the big couch in the right side had Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Mina huddled up as they wrapped themselves in a blanket.

On the floor, Sana was cuddling Nayeon in her arms while Momo was snoring softly on the maknae's shoulder in which Tzuyu didn't mind.

Lastly, the DubChaeng couple has the small sofa all by themselves. Under the warmed of the blanket, they cradle each other's body as they watched the movie.

An hour rolls off, they were now half way through the movie and most of the girls are already sleeping, only a few were awake including the couple.

Dahyun yawned against Chaeyoung's shoulder as her eyes sleepily focused on the screen.

Chaeyoung chuckled at how cute her girlfriend was and can't help but kiss the crook of her neck in which made Dahyun released a small noise out.

She froze on her spot when she heard that familiar melody near her ear. She carefully looked at her girlfriend and saw that she was already drifting away.

She smiled softly before kissing the ear of Dahyun.

"Be quiet for me, baby. I promise I'll make you feel good." She whispered as she pulled the blanket much higher to their bodies as her sneaky hand drifted down to Dahyun's thighs.

Slowly making their way to her pants and pull them down swiftly without any trouble. She heard a small gasped from Dahyun as she felt her squirm a little on her lap.

She then pushed her underwear to the side and bit her lip when she dipped her fingers on her soaking core. Dahyun almost release a moan if it weren't for her teeth biting down on her bottom lip to stopped herself from getting caught.

She felt Chaeyoung push two of her fingers inside of her causing her to furrow her eyes as she bit her lip harder.

The movie long forgotten as they tried to keep themselves from getting caught. She then slowly spread her legs to help Chaeyoung slide inside her with ease.

Chaeyoung then slowly move her fingers inside but it still felt amazing.

Chaeyoung then added another finger in as she used her thumb to rub her clit.

Dahyun felt she was in cloud nine, she nuzzled her face on her girlfriend's neck to muffled her whimper.

However, Chaeyoung was quick to cover her noise by commenting about the movie.

"Awe, that's sad that her boyfriend is gay." She just hoped that was enough to cover the noise her girlfriend has made.

The girls didn't mind what she had said and just focused on the movie.

Chaeyoung saw this as an opportunity as she fasten her thrusts inside Dahyun as she whisper something on her red ears.

"Come on, I want you to cum for me, baby." She said and started curling her fingers inside the girl.

It triggered Dahyun's orgasm as she bit Chaeyoung's neck softly as she comes down from her high. Chaeyoung pulled out her fingers after helping Dahyun ride her orgasm.

Dahyun can't help but whimper and turn around on her lap as she snuggled into her. Chaeyoung smiled and turn to the members that were already staring at them curiously.

"U-Uh- Dahyunie and I are going to sleep since she's already tired, good night guys!" She hurriedly carried Dahyun's sleeping figure and rushed them up to their room.

After the couple disappeared, Nayeon then turned to Jihyo with a confused expression.

"Chaengie didn't eat anything with sauce right?" She asked while Jihyo furrowed her eyes at the older girl's question.

"No? The one that only has a sauce is the chicken... she said she's on a no-meat diet this week... why would you asked that?" Nayeon bit her lip before responding.

"There's something wet dripping down her fingers-!" And that's when both of them realized what just happened.


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