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Pairing: Dahyun × Mina

Summary; Mina is on a mission.


3rd person's pov

"Agent Myoui, I've sent you there to finish my enemy yet why haven't i saw a single news about having her brains fired out?!" Her client lashed out in his seat as his eyes bulging out in anger, he points to the quiet unbothered agent.

"If you don't get what i want... you'll be a dead fish floating in the rivers by the next morning Myoui!" He threatened causing the guards inside the quiet room to sweat in fear. Their eyes trying to meet Mina's but the girl just didn't give any shits about the empty threat.

She stands up, hands in her pockets as her hair falls freely in her wide shoulders. She smiled at her client causing him to frown at her reaction.

Wasn't she supposed to be frightened about the death threat?

"Done with the shitless threat's, Mr Yang?" She straightly asked the bald man which caused them all to drop their jaw at her rude response.

The man lost his voice as his mouth open and closes like a fish, did someone just insulted him? specifically a girl? that's supposed to be working for him?

But to answer that, Mina just doesn't give a damn about it all. Yes she works for this asshole man but giving her orders while she has a plan doesn't set her right. She's a woman in beyond her actions.

"Well I'm a agent if i may remind you, you can't just demand me what to do in my own mission, also i can do all you just spat out earlier to yourself. I'm a top agent not a weak full of bodyguards like you." She straightened her collar and went back looking to the speechless man infront of her.

She smirk and head to the door calmly while the people inside the room just followed her every move. She opens the door and glance at the man, smiling sweetly.

"Just becareful on your way back, she has tons of snipers hired just to peel off that bald head of yours~" She giggled and finally exited the room.

Silence filled the room as the door closes. All the men look at themselves before chuckling except for the bald man that couldn't process that he just got insulted.

"That's why women are superior..." A buff guy from the corner said as all of them agreed.

"I mean she's cool though unlike this moron standing here lol~"

"Shut up all of you! I will fucking sue that woman for insulting me!" Then he left the room, leaving all the men laughing their ass out.

"Weak bald, Mina's right about it!"

"Hell yeah! He got disrespected elegantly!"


Mina lit up the cigarette in her fingers and took a puffed. She was now staying in one of her luxury apartment that was given by her.

Looking at the scenario before her, her hands unbutton the two of her buttons in her white polo as she sigh. Dealing with a weak client is just a pain in the ass, they just get in her nerves real all right.

But all of those were vanished away from her mind when her eyes drift off to the slender hands that were wrapped around her middle while a soft pair of lips was latch between the skin that joint her ear and neck, sneakily leaving kisses there as the swell in Mina's heart fasten.

She smiles and turns around to greet the love of her life.

"Hi sweetheart~" She giggled as she greets her and after that she received tons of kisses all over her face causing her gummy smile to widen.

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