just get loud

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Pairing: Jeongyeon x Momo

Warning: Rough fucking, rough treatment, Spanking, Dirty talking.

Summary: Jeongyeon wants Momo to be quiet but it seems Momo was having hard time complying to her demand.

[a/n: i feel so fucking unholy after writing this one 👁️👄👁️]

Top Jeongyeon x Bottom Momo


Jeongyeon was hovering on top of Momo's body kissing her lips sensually. She had taken off Momo's blazer and is now working on unbuttoning Momo's shirt without breaking their kiss.

She struggled a bit and decided to just rip it open, buttons flew across the room as her now ripped shirt showed off Momo's well defined stomach and black sports bra, Jeongyeon licks her lips and proceeds to kiss Momo again before she could complain.

She wasn't able to resist the younger any longer considering she looked incredibly hot right now.

"Sit up, babe." She told her as she straddle Momo's thigh, and when Momo finally sat up. Jeongyeon remove the ripped shirt off Momo's body and threw it somewhere in the room.

"Why did you ripped my shirt? that was my favorite y'know!~" she whined at Jeongyeon in which shuts her using her lips once again.

Jeongyeon smirks and wrapped her arms around the girl's bare shoulders and pulled her face closer to Momo.

"I'll buy you tons of it, don't worry." She whispered to her in which caused Momo to shudder because of how low and husky her voice sounds.

it always makes her wet... like very wet..

Momo pushed her lips once again to Jeongyeon as they continued to make out messily, Jeongyeon pulled away and pushed her down to the bed.

"Nuh-uh, no touching pretty girl." She swatted Momo's hands away as she begins to nipped at the younger's neck.

She pulled away from her and look at the younger, seeing her eyes close and was panting.

"Come on babe, open up." And so Momo complied, opening her eyes to look at those dark hazy once staring at her deeply.

Jeongyeon let her hands travel down to Momo's pants, she begins to unzip and pull them down. She heard Momo sighed in relief.

She threw the pants carelessly somewhere in the room after she fully removed them from Momo.

She spreads the younger's thighs and begins to caress them slowly, teasing the now whining girl.

"Unnie! touch me!" Momo whines loudly making Jeongyeon shut her up with a slap in her inner thigh, she moaned at the impact.

"Keep quiet you whiny girl! we have visitors down stairs! do you want them to hear you whining like a brat? oh, i bet you would loved that, you want them to hear you moaning like a whore would you?" Here it comes, Jeongyeon's nasty talking in which never failed making Momo a blushing mess, though it may seem that Jeongyeon was humiliating her but it never failed to turn her on.

"No..." Momo whines when Jeongyeon runs a finger through her soaked underwear, dripping two fingers inside and withdraw it afterwards, only to see thick slicks sticking and sliding down her fingers.

She smirks and showed it to Momo in to whom whine even more.

"I'm not even touching you that yet, but here you are, dripping like a fucking whore," she laughed like a maniac. "Are you really that stupid and desperate to have me touching you?" Momo tears up in humiliation but nonchalantly lets out a moan at how dirty Jeongyeon's words are.

When Momo didn't answer her question, she pressed firmly at the younger's clit applying a lot of pressure in it causing Momo to let out a guttural moan.

"Ugh~ Unnie!" She exclaimed loudly causing Jeongyeon to slap her palm to Momo's mouth to keep her quiet.

"Fucking loud, shut the fuck up." She said and impatiently inserted two fingers right away, Momo moans against her palm, her fingers gripping tightly at Jeongyeon's forearm.

Digging her nails at the surface in which made Jeongyeon groan in pain yet didn't mind it and continues to penetrate Momo.

"Still tight as ever huh?" Jeongyeon said lowly as Momo only respond at her with a low moan, Jeongyeon removed her palm away from Momo's mouth.

"Faster~" Momo requested in which Jeongyeon immediately complied not caring of how Momo becomes even more vocal as each thrust she gave her.

She continued her harsh yet deep thrust to Momo as she grab her other leg and put it in her shoulder giving her even more access to her pussy.

She flicks her throbbing nub as she returned her face to Momo's neck, marking the skin with different bite marks and hickeys. Painting the skin in red and purple angry hickies, not caring how will the girl cover it later.

When she give Momo a one particular thrust, she lets out a loud moan as her hips jerk in response. Jeongyeon smirk knowing that she found the younger's sweet spot.

She continues to hit that spot over and over again as Momo beneath her becomes a moaning mess as her eyes rolled to the back of head.

"Unnie! f-fuck! th-there~ right ther-rre!" Momo moans loudly as she felt her stomach stir at the sensation.

"Don't worry babe, i'm going to give you one of the best orgasm you ever had yet." She husked out and begins to nibble at her ear still thrusting two of her fingers inside Momo, filling and stretching the girl under her to the hilt.

Momo felt her thighs shaking as the tight feeling in her abdomen intensifies she gasp out for air as she warns Jeongyeon.

"F-Fuck! Jeong! I'm cumming!!" She moans out as her juices flows out of her cunt yet Jeongyeon still keeps thrusting into her helping her rode out her orgasm.

Jeongyeon pulls out her fingers and wipes them off against the bedsheets and proceeds to cup Momo's still shaking figure.

"Fuck... Mo? you still with me?" She worriedly asked the girl but Momo only chuckled at Jeongyeon's worried expression.

"I am ofcourse you idiot~ but fuck... you tired the shit out of me though..." She laughed as Jeongyeon pulled the blankets to cover her up.

"I always do, don't forget that, though i'll go downstairs and tell the guests that you will not be joining us for a while. Is that fine?" She waits for Momo's response.

Momo rolled her eyes at how oblivious the girl is, she smacked her arm and huff.

"Ofcourse, i won't be joining you all! my legs are wobbly as fuck!" She exclaimed as Jeongyeon only laughs at her.

"Yeah, yeah~ now sleep before i start fucking you again-"

She got caught off with a hit.

"Yah! get out of here!"

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