long afternoon

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Pairing: Momo x Dahyun

Summary: Dahyun was bored all day long so Momo does something about it.

You're once again have been warned! Read at your own risk!

Top Momo! Bottom Dahyun!

Dahyun laid flatly beside Momo who's busy reading a book with a straight face, noticing her lover's presence beside her. Momo turns to Dahyun seeing the younger one pouting while staring up at their ceiling, toes flapping a little as she squirmed a bit in their shared bed.

She smiles when she sees her pouting face, scooting a little closer to where Dahyun is she settles beside her and gently places a gentle peck on her lips causing the other one to squirm a bit more, whining when Momo removes her face from hers. Amused by her partner's action she soon made Dahyun got up and made her seat on her lap."What's wrong Dahyunie? What's with the long face huh?" She whispers in her ear as she begins leaving pecks on the latter's ear and neck area.

Dahyun frowns and tangles her arms around the older's neck and shows her pouty lips to Momo, after getting her point Momo leans in and placed a chase kiss in her awaiting one's. Soon they started making out with passion mixed with lust, Momo pulls away causing Dahyun to whine even more and pulls Momo right away to kiss her again.

Momo chuckles in amusement "Why so whiney Hyun?" She smirks and pushes Dahyun off her, immediately straddling her right after smirking when she saw the younger's stunned reaction at her sudden movements she leans again to aim Dahyun's swollen lips and begins sucking and tug at it as quiet moans left Dahyun's mouth only to be swallowed by Momo's awaiting mouth. Her hands made their way towards Dahyun's shirt inserting them inside after a short while, making towards the younger's chest as she grope both of the perky mounds with both of her palms after a short while Dahyun's gasps turns into whimpers when Momo left her mouth to begin sucking at her ivory flawless white skin until it turns to purplish and dark red marks.

"Un-Unnie...mm~hah!" She moans when Momo harshly sucks at her pulse point which to be exact her weak spot, she once stopped when she saw the younger's neck was now coated by her marks, smirking proudly at the masterpiece she had created and proceeds to kissed the tips of Dahyun's blushing ears. "What a good girl for unnie, being loud and noisy for my liking~" Momo whispers as she felts Dahyun's ear twitching in response as the younger's breathing started to get rapid and unsteady, she tooked this opportunity to finally give the younger one's desires as she slid down until she was face to face with Dahyun's soaking underwear, pajamas has been discarded long awhile ago.

Momo smirks when she saw the damped spot in the younger's lavender colored underwear, Dahyun was watching her with hazy eyes waiting for the older to take action and finally do her. "Naughty, naughty little girl~" she teases as she swipes a slick of arousal that's been dripping from the younger's thighs."Are you really that desperate huh? Nasty slut~" she continues her dirty talk until Dahyun was begging for her to be touch, hips clenching to just get a little friction, But Momo was quick to notice this, she brought her hand towards the younger's thigh and harshly spanks it as Dahyun let out a high pitch moan at the impact. Momo's slap imprinting on her pale thighs.

"Uh-huh, be a good girl for unnie and then you'll receive your reward, do you want that, honey?" Momo asked as Dahyun nods her head repeatedly. Momo smirks at the younger and begins to lower herself down towards the younger's glory, seeing the ruined underwear slick with her arousal. She pulled the ruined fabric away and smirks when she sees her girlfriend's wet and glistening lips. Feeling the cold air blow against her bottom, Dahyun releases a quiet soft moan as she bucks her hips when Momo swiped her forefinger against her wet folds, letting out a satisfied hum at how wet the younger one was.

Momo sucks her finger after, moaning when she tastes the sweet nectar that comes from Dahyun.

It's didn't take long before Momo started eating her girlfriend out causing the younger one to release cries and screams as she felt the wet tongue flicking her sensitive stiff bud, Momo expertedly swipe her tongue across her girlfriend's glistening folds before inserting two of her fingers all at once at Dahyun's tight entrance.

Dahyun let out a scream when she felt her vagina being filled to the brim, Momo smirks and removes her face from Dahyun's rear and replaced her tongue with her fingers.

Her fingers continues to assault the younger's womanhood as her thumb hardly presses against the younger's stiff bud, her ring finger soon joining the other two inside Dahyun.

"Do you hear that, sweety?" She asked the girl underneath her and continued to penetrate her already abused pussy. Dahyun looks up at Momo with heavy lids and agape mouth with moans and whimpers spilled out of it.

"You're naughty pussy's so greedy it keeps sucking my fingers, what a slut!" She said and spanked Dahyun's bum roughly with caused another load of arousal to dripped out of Dahyun's pussy.

She cried out when she felt her cum gushing out of her but Momo seems no plans on stopping fucking her.

Momo leans down and bites hard on her neck causing her to release another load of cum when she felt the older's teeth sinking on her skin, Momo went to ears and laughed at the girl.

"You think I'm done with you? Well... Think again Dahyun, cause I'm never gonna be done with you.


Heyy :)) kindly message me here or on insta if you have any requests!

insta: ilove_squirrels

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