Stay quiet

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Pairing: Jihyo x Sana < converted >

Warning: Dirty talking, overstimulation, teasing.

Top Sana! Bottom Jihyo!

Jihyo's POV

"Shh, you know how this goes, Jihyo-yah." Sana whispered into my ear as her finger painfully ghosted over my sensitive clit.

Even the slightest brush of her body against mine, in this moment, was agonizing.

Sana has been teasing me for at least 5 minutes now, all while being in the presence of Jeongyeon and Momo- sleeping soundly in their bed that stood next to ours.

We were engulfed by complete darkness, aside from the bright moonlight shining through the thin curtains.

I had to compress a moan as a finger ran through my slick folds, parting them, just to go back to my nerve point.

With a shake of my head, i did get Sana to smirk against the back of my neck.

"Why? what's wrong, do you want me to stop?"

The thought of her stopping now, while I was worked up as I was, got me panicking and trashing around in her embrace.

"Don't you fucking dare, Sana-" She caught me off with a peck on my lips and continues her movement on teasing my lower region.

"Calm down, Hyo~ I know you don't want me to stop. Your body tells me all that I need to know." She whispered in my ear before giving it a gentle kiss, biting on my earlobe tugging on it with her teeth.

My head threw back against her shoulder as she worked everywhere she could.

Her mouth on my sweet spots, fingers prodding at my hole and a hand fondling with my tits.
It was just how I liked it, especially with the risk that was taken into account.

I was facing Jeongyeon and Momo, who were huddled up together in their bed. Having no clue or knowledge of what was happening right beside them as they slept.

"What if they wake up because of your sinful noises?" She began, "They would scold you so much, Jihyo-shi. You'd be such a bad girl, their bad girl." A bite on my neck got me to groan out Sana's name as i grinded myself down into her hand.

She finally let a single finger slide in, pushing through the tight walls that had build up during the time we didn't have intercourse.

"Such a good girl, Jihyo. You're so tight for me."

Sana started to then thrust her finger in and out, infamous wet noises filling the rather quiet room.

"Please, one more." I shamelessly begged of her, hoping to be complied to. And it didn't take long before 2 of her digits were moving around deep inside me.

She moved them as if they were scissors, sloshing around in the wet pool they found themselves inside of.

"Oh, fuck." I cursed accidentally and held my hands over my mouth, seeing Jeongyeon started to squirm around. But that didn't stop the girl behind of me to stop her fun.

It only became worse, with a thumb joining in to add the sensation. Quickly building up the orgasm that was nearing.

But even though i was begging for Sana to let me come, she didn't let me just yet.

"I'll never let you come unless i tasted you, and you know that's how the wind blows." The blonde smirked and watched Momo and Jeongyeon, who were becoming more and more active.

Without any trouble Sana position herself under the covers, between my legs- tongue lapping away at that sweet nectar that was there, just for her.

The occasional hums signed was a sign that she was enjoying this, perhaps a bit too much.

Her fingers never left and neither did her tongue, both working to the max for the ultimate result.

My walls were clenching to her every second, my clit throbbing in her lips as she licked and licked.

It didn't take long before i was reaching out to grab her hair, being met with a hand of hers instead.

I held onto it as if my life depended on it.

"Sana, yes, Please!" I moaned through gritted teeth as my hips bucked up to meet her thrusts and sucking.

Tongue swiping circles over my clit as her long fingers assaulted my g-spot.

It was all to much to handle.

With the adrenaline and excitement of getting caught rushing through my veins, my brain could barely make up the power and courage to make me slam my hands over my mouth and moan - muffled - as loud as i could.

Sana slowed down and rode me out of my orgasm, making sure to not spill anything that could be a value to her.

"Gosh, always finding a way to impress me, good job, sweetheart." She called me by my favorite nickname, a goofy smile making its way onto my face without effort - despite having the strongest orgasm of the whole year yet.

"Round two?" She tilted her head but i shook my head, no, knowing I wouldn't be able to get up tomorrow morning. And even if that wasn't why, it would be the reason of Momo and Jeongyeon actually waking up.

"Maybe another time." I told her as she climbed over me and took my face in her hands, taking my lips into hers.

I tasted my own cum on her lips, and i absolutely loved every second of it.

"Next time, I'll make sure your hands are tied." She mischievously grinned and spooned me, pecking my lips as i turned to face her.

And all honestly.

I couldn't wait until she does.

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