My Omega

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a/n: this is omegaverse btw :0

rqts: klixwho



"Hey nerd! Come here!" Here goes nothing. I saw from the corner of my eyes that my bully Myoui Mina stumping her way to me.

Gosh. It's only eight in the morning yet here she is. She won't stop bothering me and assaulting me. I look down when i felt her hands on either sides of my collar. I heard her chuckled before dragging me to the back of the school.

No one really minds since they were also scared of being beat by this woman here if they dare to interrupt. Then i felt myself being pushed to the wall. Both of her hands cornering my head and body. I could feel her breath fanning my neck as i shudder.

"What do you want from me this time, Myoui." I sternly asked yet i was trembling under her. I heard her let out a hum and raise her head up. Looking straight at my eyes as she smirk. She brought her hand to my face and trails it down towards my lips. I choke under my breath when i felt her hands twitch there.

She leans in and took a peck at my lips which caught me off guard. Her warm yet soft pair of lips attaching to my trembling ones. After a good six seconds she pulled herself out of me as she inspect my expression.

And when she saw me blushing she smirk proudly. She leans forward again as I look at her with a blushing face. She whisper in my ears.

"Why? Your prescious lips ofcourse," After that she crashed her lips to me once again. I shut my eyes as i kiss her back with the same energy. She gently bit my lower lip causing me to let out a little sigh with my arms subconsciously locking around her nape, pulling her towards me more.

I heard her chuckled and wrapped her arms around my waist. Pulling me closer to her.

We continue making out for minutes but was stopped when i felt Mina being pulled away from me. And there, I saw my step-sister Seungwan-unnie glaring at Mina as her grip tighten in her collar. I heard her growl as she gritted her teeth.

Mina only chuckled and stared at my sister straight in the eye. I came to my senses as i tried to pull Seungwan-unnie away from Mina but she just simply glared at me as i scowl away in fear. Mina saw this causing her to snarl at Seungwan-unnie.

"Don't you fucking growl at her Son." She flashes her fangs out as I back away from the both of them. I saw Seungwan-unnie glance at me before pushing Mina off and went to me.

"U-Unnie-" She growls at me as i whimper in fear and once again Mina tried to tackle her down but Seungwan-unnie was quick to used her strength and threw Mina off to the nearby wall. I closed my eyes when i saw Mina's body crashed against the concrete wall.

"Minari..?" I called her out quietly as she stood up and smiled at me but glared at my sister beside me. Seungwan-unnie smirk at her and tighten her grip on my wrist and i could barely feel her nails digging in my skin.

"Don't fucking hurt, my omega!" After Mina throw that words out. Seungwan-unnie was now nowhere in my sight instead Mina was the only one with me. This Alpha here might used her ability to escape my sister.

She cupped my face worriedly as she lands a kiss on my head. I whimpered and hug her. She hugged me back tightly and started to caress my hair softly while she whispered sweet promises in my ear.

"I promise you that. No one's allowed to touch you but me, My Omega." She whispered as she release her scent making me relax as i took her in. My own scent naturally mixing in the air together with hers as we hug each other tightly.

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