Part 76

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Author's pov:

It's been 15 years since Jeongyeon got over the fact that she and Nayeon had parted ways from their once upon a time love story back in their high school days.

That thought alone made her sadly smile as the fresh morning air hits her face. Now, 15 years have past they both become successful and now living their life to the fullest.

Had incomes for themselves, met a lot of people as they tried to regain their trust in humanity after the tragic chaos happened between them.

Yet... The fate was playing with them. Both of them stayed away from each other as much as possible, but unfortunately after they went to college they mostly share the same subjects as they took the same course without any of them knowing.

They were in the same class for at least lesser than 7 years, being a major in psychology wasn't a joke for the both of them. It was pretty harsh for them to see each other for all those years despite they just split up a year before the college semester had started.

But eventually it went smooth - not that smooth but rather akward smoothness - they both graduated top in the class.

Soon a little while they both settled in their jobs permanently, both being psychiatrist and psychologist.

And now, they were both working in the same facility and unlucky shared the same office area. Fate was a motherfucker for the both of them.

Back to Jeongyeon, she opened her eyes as her gaze went to her phone checking something. She look at the date at the top of her screen and sighed.

"NOVEMBER 3; 1:30pm"

Great, the exact same day and almost the same time she had confess her feelings to Nayeon. Though she was a little affected to the woman, she still tried her best to moved on and move forward to life without thinking or daydreaming about the girl she have always loved.

She puts her phone inside the pocket of her white coat and look at the scenario before her, she smiled when the morning sun has finally started showing.

"Another day to spend my day with you" A voice whispered behind her as a cup of coffee was offered by her side.

The fingers of the person was long and huge making Jeongyeon chuckled when she recognized the voice.

She turn around and eyed the person amusedly as she grabs the coffee after thanking the giver.

"You're the least i expect to show up early in the morning - " She chuckled again as the person joined her watching the scenario outside.

"The sunrise is just as beautiful as you" The cheesy line made Jeongyeon's nose scrunch as she look at the person disgustingly.

"Cheesy one just like the owner of the words, you're worst at that ever since high school!"

"Hey!" They both laughed at their selves.

Away from the two, a female doctor glared at their backs as her fist clenched the cupped she was holding.

A hand landed on her shoulder softly as she sighed.

"Dr. Im, you're smashing the poor cup." Dr. Myoui Mina chuckled in amusement beside her. Nayeon huffed and disposed the cup to the trash.

She turned her attention to her fellow doctor and raised her brows.

"What are doing here, Dr. Myoui?" She asked with a raised brow, the other doctor chuckled at her before shrugging.

"You. What are you doing here? Your girlfriend's getting flirted yet here you are." She sighed at the woman.

Nayeon huffed and puckered her lips in anger as she gazed again at the two.

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