bad girls deserve to be punished

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Pairing: J-line!

Warning: Threesome!!

Summary: Sana has been naughty and her girlfriends are about to do something to that.

rqts: Lovesickgirl4

Top Mimo! x Bottom Sana!
[ mostly Momo & Mina switch roles :x ]

"You should've think about that before fucking some random whore in the bar! You disgusting slut!" Momo raise her hand and uses the whip to smack Sana's ass.

Sana lets out a scream as tears form in the corner of her eyes then another smack has been straight away sent to her bottom again as she struggled to breath.

Mina on the other hand is awfully quiet seems like she's still affected at what their girlfriend just did at the bar, she clench her jaw as she eyed the girl on her knees with her hands tightly tied behind her back as Momo continue to whip her.

She clicked her tongue before calling out her other girlfriend, "Momoring..." The girl immediately look at her and made her way to her.

Momo smirk before pulling Mina's body to her and kiss her harshly, circling her hands around the girl's petite waist as if she wants to ignore Sana's desperate whines beside them.

Mina looks at Sana straight in the eye as she sucks Momo's tongue, her hand teasingly caressing Momo's bicep which caused Sana to whine even more.

Oh right, she has the audacity to complain about this when her two girlfriends just caught her eating someone's pussy out in a lesbian bar.

"Mommies... p-please-" Sana tried to plead but the two girls just clearly ignore her as she squirms around the bed, watching her two girlfriends make out was making her so aroused that her slick was dripping right into the sheets and in her thighs.

Momo ignored Sana's pleading and just focused on kissing Mina, her hands went inside the girl's shirt and grope her breast, Mina sighed as she removed her gaze from Sana.

"Ignore that bitch, she doesn't deserve any attention at all." Mina demanded Momo as the girl stop kissing her to look at the whining girl beside them, she looks at Sana's eyes directly and smirks.

"As you wish, Mommy~" She smirks at Sana.

Sana huffed at that.

"That's not fair!" She shouted to the both of them causing Mina to roll her eyes and slightly pushed Momo away from her.

She proceeds her way towards the bedside table and pulled something out of the cabinet.

A gag.

She smirks and looks at Momo before turning to Sana as she saw the squirrel widened her eyes.

She comes near her and chuckled at her reaction, she sat beside Sana wearing that teasing smile of her's.

Mina twirls the gag around her hands then looks at Sana.

"Couldn't keep quiet huh? Well let's see if you could talk some more." She gesture Momo to help her as the peach holds down Sana's resisting face with Mina quickly putting the gag on Sana's mouth.

She smiles proudly and looks at Momo, seeing the peach smirking as well.

"It quiet down, right Mo?" Mina asked the girl as she lets out a hum.

"Much better~" Momo smiled and went to Mina before straddling her.

Sana on the other hand was in pain because of sexual frustration and the ache in her core, she tried to squeeze her thighs together but only to realized just now that both of her ankles were also tied on the bed.

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