boss? who?

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Tzuyu's pov:

I subconsciously licked my lips as my gaze landed on our boss that was talking in the middle of our meeting hall.

She looks so darn cute and fuckable at her clothing, white fitted sweater that's tucked nicely inside her fitted slacks and that damn black high heel that makes her look more hotter.

I can't help but look through our previous night together, that happen in somewhere here in a much openly place.

Still it was hot.

A hot night if i may say.

My daydreaming only got caught off when i got called out by our own boss, she was glaring at me but i somehow caught a glimpse of her mischievous smirk.

"What are you daydreaming about Ms. Chou?" She asked with full sarcasm lingering in her voice.

I secretly smirk at her and shook my head.

"Oh nothing, just some important business if i may say." I smiled and she smirk at me.

"Better get your mind out of the gutter and focus on our meeting, or i will throw your ass out here." She warned me as i nodded.

What a fun business it was.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs and lifted her legs on the air, as i continue to pushed my tongue inside her slick hole.

I heard her gasp for air as i felt her fingers gripped my hair tightly before pushing my face against her, i moaned and eagerly slurped her juices that's flowing down her hole nonstop.

"F-fuck... Go faster p-please- oh fuck!" She didn't even finish her sentence as i sped up my movements, adding a finger inside her as i wrapped my lips around her swollen button and sucked at it hard, emitting out another broken moan from her and threw her head back.

I licked her clit for the last time and let myself pull away from her to catched a much needed breath leaving my finger working inside her, curling it causing the girl from the desk to lose her sanity and moaned loudly like a bitch in heat.

Fuck... She's insanely hot-

I unconsciously licked my lips when i saw her lazily staring back at me with lust, she pushed herself forward and pulled me up to her face level.

She smirked at me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, rocking her hips back to meet the thrusting of my finger. She moaned quietly when i decided to add another one inside her.

"F-fuck... You're so g-good Ms. Chou~" She whimpers against my neck as she tried to catched her breath with my fingers still doing her. I hummed and brought my other hand that was holding her hips awhile ago, up to hold in her well structured jaw, gripping it and made her look at me sternly.

I took a peck on her lips and tugged at her bottom lips using my teeth, both of us smirking the whole time.

"My pleasure to served you Ms. Hirai" I smirked at her. Yes, you read that right.

I'm fucking my own boss, Hirai Momo in the front desk of the reception area in her newly opened hotel branch.

I work here as a receptionist for awhile now, and i didn't know i was able to catched the attention of our big ass bitch owner.

And that lead us on this, me taking her in this desk with the huge possibility of someone seeing us fucking.

Ms. Hirai said she didn't give a damn though, since she thought of it, she finds it really hot to have someone watching us while i have my mouth wrapped around her porcelain neck and was knuckle deep inside her already soaked kitten.

And she was right enough, it is totally so hot to have someone watching us, imagine the thrill of us getting get caught.

And because i was so thrilled of the thought, i didn't even notice that i already changed our position once again.

I had her bending over the desk with her back facing me, my fingers still ruthlessly thrusting inside her to give a damn about the sound it's making.

The quiet hotel was filled with skin slapping and the groans, moans mixed with whimpers of my boss. I attacked her neck and left several marks there and didn't even give a damn if it's gonna turned into purple by the morning.

Not that she cares having my marks painted in her neck- No, she loves it when she shows my marks to people, she loves to claim that she is mine.

No one but mine.

I lean in her ears and licked the shell of her earlobe causing her breath to stop for a moment, I chuckled darkly and brought my other hand down to cupped the pearl that's tucked hardly in her folds.

A gasp travelled out of her mouth when i rubbed her there.

"Say Ms., do you like - no, you love the idea of getting caught. The thought of having someone watching you let out moans like a whore in a heat turns you on am i right?" Just as i thought, I felt her walls cling into my fingers tightly when i whispered those words to her.

Tsk... What a slutty boss i have here.

"What do you say? The Ms Hirai Momo, that people who knows is a dominant, intimidating and fierce, is a desperate slut under me? screaming and begging me to fucked her hard like a slut? do you like that idea right? i can feel you clenching my fingers hard, you fucking dirty whore!" I ended my dirty talking with my hand that was previously rubbing her kitten, spanked her kitten hard as a scream torn out of her mouth and comes into my fingers.

I scoff at her and turned her around. When she finally faces me, I pushed her to the desk and cupped her face, looking at her eyes with mischievousness.

"What a fucked up whore." I then left her there.

Having Ms. Hirai as a boss is fun.

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