carnal desire

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Pairing: Sana x Dahyun

Summary: Sana's attention got caught by a mysterious sexy female pole dancer while in the middle of doing business.

Long chapter ahead!
Word count: 3,393

Warning: cheating, spanking, face fucking, finger riding.

Switched Saida
8pm at Kim's Residence

"i will get going now, my lovely wife." Sana's husband bids his goodbye as he stands at the doorframe of the kitchen. Sana smiled and turn around to go to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leans her face closer.

The man also itches his face closer and was ready to capture his wife's lips against his own when Sana suddenly landed a gentle peck in his cheek causing the man to sigh in disappointment. Sana chuckled and pulls away.

"don't give me that look! it's already 8 you better hurry up!" She scold him and pushes him out of the kitchen. Her husband whine as he let Sana drag him out of the house.

"but honey.. i'm the CEO, people who work under doesn't have the right to scold me if i'm late~" he continue to whine beside her causing Sana to sighed and simply glared at him. He gulped and compost himself.

"that's more like it! now, get your horny ass to work! Mr. Kim!" She laughs when she saw her husband rolled his eyes and got inside his car. He rolls down the window and wave his wife a goodbye before starting the engine and got to work.

But before he could go away, he shouted something out of the window when he stops a few feet away from where Sana is standing.

"you better get ready later, honey!" He shouted and smirk at Sana, while Sana rolled her eyes at him. He chuckled before completely driving off.

"oh god.. why did i let my parents dictate me when i was choosing people to whom i am going to marry..." She sighed and went to their shared bedroom and slumps down the bed.

*Beep!* *Beep!*

Sana groan when she heard her phone ringing at the bedside table as she lazily got it before answering.

"this is Mrs. Sana Minatozaki, what can i do for you?" Since she doesn't have any idea who's the caller she directly went straight to the point.

A old man's voice was heard from the call.

"good morning. this is Mr. Shin, erm.. I'd like us to talk about my shares in your company that i invested a few weeks ago..."

And so on, after about 6 minutes in the call. Sana got off the bed and went straight to her large closet to find a outfit. She got herself a nice tight black dress and paired it with one of her black sandals, since they would be meeting in a club she thinks this would do.

She got in shower and did everything under 1 hour and 20 minutes. After she got out of the bathroom, she proceeds to wear her attire and did her make up and finished after a good 15 minutes.

She got her things in her purse as her female assistant was waiting outside the SUV since she's going to be the who's gonna drive. [ malamang ]

The assistant compost herself and open the car door for Sana.

"thank you Ms. Chou." Sana thanked her as her assistant nodded her head and smiled, proceeding to the driver's seat and started the engine right away. Silence coated them in which caused the other girl to broke it.

She glance at the rear mirror and saw Sana spacing out while looking outside the window. She clears her throat making Sana flinch lightly and turned to the assistant.

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