I'm better than her baby

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Momo just arrived at a simple looking disco-bar since she wanted to see how was her bestfriend doing after she ditched college to settle a life far away from the city.

She looks around and immediately amazes, the outside of the bar really looks tiny and look it's about to get rundown but on the inside it was more appealing compared to the outside.

Momo quickly found her bestfriend happily serving at the counter, expertly mixing and serving the happy customers with a dashing smile splattered across her face.

Momo smiled when she saw how happy her bestfriend was compared to the last she saw her.

'Seem's like bartending really make her happy huh?'

She went there with a big grin, she settled herself infront of the counter directly facing her bestfriend, who was occupied at the very moment and didn't notice her yet and thought it was only a regular customer.

"Welcome to TWICE'S DISCO-BAR! What can i get yo-" She cut herself mid sentence when she saw Momo's face.

Momo grin and winked at her.

"How is my bestfriend doing?" She asked but it wasn't answered when a gushed of wind went passed her and she was tightly embrace by her bestfriend.

They sighed against each other's arms and giggled.

"Momo! Oh my gosh! It's been nearly two years since we last saw each other!" Sana, Momo's bestfriend exclaimed since childhood as she happily hold Momo.

"Yeah! I missed you sooo much, Satang!" Momo pouted and Sana laughed at her.

"Missed you too dumbass-!" Sana was cut off when a fellow worker called her out.

"Sana-chan! We're full house today so quit flirting with your girlfriend!" A female worker teased Sana as she served the waiting customer's as well.

Sana rolled her eyes and pulled away from Momo for a sec to scold her co worker.

"She's not my girlfriend fyi, Y/n! She's my bestfriend from the city i was talking about!" She complain while the other smiled apogically.

She got near them and Momo was stunned when the girl was near her sight.

She think her breath just got carried away when she saw the pleasing beauty of the female.

"My apologies! I thought Sana was brought one of her one night flings-" Sana hit her in the head as Momo snapped at her daydreaming.

"Im Y/n! I'm gonna tell Nayeon-unnie about that filthy mouth of your's!" Y/n gasped as she apologize again.

Y/n then turned to the quiet woman beside Sana, who was just spacing out while looking at her.

She giggled, "Hey cutie! what should i call you?" She asked the woman in which made Momo snapped again as she absentmindedly answered her question.

"Call me 'Mine'- Ah- No! wait!-" She wasn't able to defend herself when the two girl's bursts out laughing.

Y/n turned to Sana and laughed with tears in her eyes.

"She's your bestfriend, Sana? she knows how to flirt but you still charm me the most, you better teach her something better yeah?" Momo blushes when Y/n said that. She then glared at Sana when she howled loudly next to her.

"Hear that, Mo? A pretty girl just said that right infront of your face!" Sana exclaimed loudly as Momo pushed her away.

The female worker laughed at the duo before bidding farewell.

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