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3rd person's pov;

"You're so beautiful" Jihyo utters, kissing the back of her neck, tightening her arms around her and gave her lingering kisses on her nape, she shifted the Nayeon's hair aside and press her lips on her pale neck.

Nayeon's breathing sharpen, clutching the things she was holding in a attempt to stop her moan as her knees grow weak.

"...Jihyo" she breathe out, feeling the latter's hand tighten around her. Her burning skin turn intense as the short haired bask continue, hands moving on the side of her waist up onto her breasts.

Jihyo effortlessly spun her around.

She can see how Jihyo's mesh darken in desire, her jaw clenching in anticipation like she was asking for permission which she was.

"Nayeon..." It was a simple call of her name yet the meaning behind that was unmistakable, she knew it. How Jihyo's eyes travel down her lips back to her eyes was so needy, need that she herself, her own body move on its own and smash her lips on hers.

Her hands found it's place where it belongs, still holding the ladle she used to spoon the dishes on portion.

Nayeon tighten her her hold as Jihyo lifted her thighs and wrapped around her waist. The stinging tension in between increase as the throb engage too.

Later on, she found herself being too small than she was as Jihyo pressed her body on the couch. She let the ladle slide down her from her grip and tilted her head for the short haired's access. Is Jihyo revenging on her? Nayeon thought, she can clearly see the her own red-violet marks on her neck, countless and some are huge.

The libido clouded their mind, finding it difficult to shrug due to her girlfriend's skillful massage and her own sinful moans.

She was breathing through her mouth, head lay on the couch and Jihyo in between her lips.

Jihyo kneel down and look up.

"Can i take this off?" She was talking about her shorts, Nayeon gave her a light nod and lift up her hips a little, allowing Jihyo to tug it down.

Inhaling her musky scent, Jihyo grip her quivering knees and spread apart, groaning as her eyes saw her pretty pussy again.

She glance over Nayeon and the view made her turn on more, she was madly turned on and aroused. Nayeon now completely naked, chest heaving with parted lips and flush cheeks looking down at her, waiting.

She rose and kiss her, fingers rolling her nipples between pads. Giving her delicious twirl before bringing her knee on the ground.

She grip the back of her knees, lifting up and inhale Nayeon's intoxicating scent, it was sweet and addicting, luscious...

Jihyo didn't wait much and dive in, just like the smell, the taste is so damn delicious. Slurping up and down slowly that made her hunger worsen than she was now, it was sinful for her to tongue-fucked her all day, the thought made her more more eager.

The puffy lips was so soft that she can't hold back but suck and pulling it slightly, between her lips earning herself a guttural moan from Nayeon, as it was overwhelming, so soft and tasty.

The grip on her hair tighten, shoving her face deeper, skinny legs came wrap around her face.

Nayeon trapped her, she can't breathe, nose being purposely dug on her clit.

The unstoppable lewd high moans that left Nayeon's mouth filled her apartment, Jihyo keep her action, grunting deeply, tasting the squirting woman's waterfall in her tongue, lapping and drinking her heat. Tasty as always.

After recovering, she looks at her neck and frowns after seeing the marks scattered around the pale skin. She pouted before looking at the girl.

"Why'd you leave so many?" She whined at her but the girl only smirks.

"Just my revenge for your oh-so-little teasing last night~" she teased the girl.

"You're mean!" She grumbles at her which caused the girl to giggle.

"So cute honey~"



a/n: just a quick update and btw this is just a converted one so credits to the og owner :0

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