confrontation gone wrong

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Pairing: Nerd Mina x Bully 2yeon

Summary: Mina had enough of her bullies so she confronted them but it suddenly went wrong?

Warning: Rough fucking, Spanking, Dirty talking, Threesome! Overstimulation.

A/N : it's my first time writing threesome and I'm not quite good with things like this, sorry in advance ⊙﹏⊙

Top 2yeon! Bottom Mina!

"That's it" Mina thoughts in her mind, when she felt something or rather someone was stalking her once again while she was studying inside the school's library.

She looks around to check it and she was indeed right, as she spots her bullies not so far from where she's seated, both of them were staring directly at her from the distance. All wearing that stupid smirks of theirs that irritates the younger even more.

Without further to, she went to their direction to finally confront them, she stump her way there as the two olders smirk even widely when they saw her stumping towards them.

They looked at each other before turning to the fuming Mina now infront of them, Mina had her perfect brows furrowed and has her plump lips frowning. Arms wrapped around her torso as she displayed a annoyed expression towards the other two.

Nayeon was the first one to greet Mina, she stood up from her seat and leans forward to Mina's face. "Hello~ Mina, what brings you here?" She innocently asked to her as a chuckle beside them where heard. Jeongyeon was the one who's chuckling beside them.

Mina scoffed softly, clearly annoyed over the the two. She glared at Nayeon then Jeongyeon after, lips parting to talk, "It is clearly display on my face isn't?" She huffs at her as Nayeon pouted playfully at her. Jeongyeon then stands up from where she is, going beside Nayeon to face the younger. Her tall figure hovering over Mina's, she tucked a strand of hair behind Mina's ear but her hands were swatted away.

She smirked at her. "Aight... you feisty little brat" she said darkly as her whole face darken, this cause Mina to fright at the sudden change of aura but was able to masked it by bitch expression.

"Looked you two, why'd you guys won't stop bugging me? It's annoying now.." she sigh trying her best not to raised her voice at the moment. Nayeon however doesn't flinch a bit at Mina's annoyed voice she just simply pulled her out of the library and brought her to a vacant room at the moment.

Jeongyeon locked the door and shut all of the windows to keep their privacy, Mina squirmed in Nayeon's grip as she looked at both of them in confusion.

"Why did you brought-" before she could finish her question she'd been caught off by a pair of lips on her. She quickly pulls away from the kiss and pushed the older away from her, staring at her in bewildered as if she must have turned crazy. She turns towards the door to run but got grabbed immediately by Jeongyeon, who'd slammed her against one of the desk inside the classroom and plainly pinned her body.

"Look you nerd, whatever you do or wherever you're going, you won't be able to escape us... Don't even try and I'm sure you'll like it what will happen next.." Jeongyeon whispered to her as her smirk returns right away.

Mina grew confused at her but soon moaned when she felt her neck being kiss by a pair of lips, sucking and nipping there harshly.

She soon felt her uniform being removed, as her vision darken when a cloth blocked her eyes from seeing. She was about to talk but a cloth was once again placed tightly in her mouth, disabling her from talking.

She shivered when her arms were being tied forcefully, she was left only in her undergarments a few seconds later.

As the two started to explore her body freely without any interruptions since she was restraints from doing so, she felt a pair of soft hands groping her mounds from behind and she doesn't have any idea who it was since she was blindfolded.

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