teaching young ones

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Pairings: Chaeyoung x Tzuyu

Summary: Chaeyoung finds her girlfriend's sister a little bit too innocent for her age, as she decided to teach the younger a little lesson.

Caution: RAPE!

Again I've already warned you, this whole ass book is about sexual intercourse and if you're uncomfortable then get out of here(jk)


Chaeyoung huffs when her girlfriend pulls away from her when her younger sister knocks at her older sister's bedroom, well you couldn't blame her...they were in a middle of making out when her girlfriend's "sister" decided to interrupt it and now she was annoyed as fuck.

"Unnie, i was having a nightmare that's why I've come here...." Tzuyu, the younger sister of her girlfriend appears infront of the bedroom as she embrace her hamster plushie while wearing her doe eyes and pouty lips which was too hard to handle handle, Chaeyoung's girlfriend comforted her sister and pulls her out of the room. Making the other one more pissed as she grits her teeth together.

"But babe! We have some 'business' to finish!" Chaeyoung rants as she sternly looks at her girlfriend, Jihyo-her girlfriend huffs at her and quickly shuts her off. "Come on Chaeyoung, i also have to handle my baby sister so calm your horny ass dow-" Jihyo scolds her but Tzuyu caught her off with a question. "Unnie? What's horny?" She asked innocently as the two adults looks at her, Chaeyoung smirks and Jihyo saw this and quickly smacks her to stopped her from manipulating her younger sister's innocence.

"It's nothing Tzuyu-ah, it's an adult word okay? So just forget about it and I'll tuck you in, alright?" Jihyo dismisses the question and guides her back to her own room leaving Chaeyoung frustrated and completely annoyed, this is how everything happens if she visits her girlfriend every weekend when she comes home from college and she's pretty much aware that Jihyo's sister is an "angel" just like Jihyo describes her, how come? The younger was so innocent that she doesn't even know what making out is.

Chaeyoung sats down on Jihyo's bed, annoyed that she was left alone in the room but she couldn't help the thoughts that runs across her frustrated mind, like what would Tzuyu look like if she was underneath her- and so on her thoughts and fantasies continues running through her mind. And she wouldn't stop smirking even when Jihyo arrives a few moments later seeing her girlfriend in a weird state but decides to just brushed it off.

The next few days Chaeyoung's visiting to Jihyo's house becomes more often which Jihyo finds it weird since the younger one is pretty much occupied with her studies but is thankful that they get to see each other much often then they were before, And Chaeyoung is oh gosh, she keeps fantasying about Jihyo's sister. There's no day that she wasn't thinking about the youngest, she was also the reason why Chaeyoung always comes for a visit.

Like right now, Chaeyoung stands infront of Jihyo and Tzuyu's house early in the afternoon. She knocks at the door as it was opened a few minutes later after hearing a soft "wait a minute" coming from none other than Tzuyu which she finds it strange since Jihyo was the one who always opens the door. The door opened revealing the younger wearing only a white shirt and short shorts, she was peaking at the door like a little child but her eyes lits up when she saw Chaeyoung giving her a heart warming smile and invites her in.

"Unnie! You're here again? Please come in" Tzuyu fully opens the door to let the older woman in as she complies, Chaeyoung looks around seeing no one but Tzuyu only inside the house she looks at the younger one and asked a question "It's you the only one here? Where's your sister, Tzuyu-ah?" She asked as the younger hums before speaking. "You're right, I'm alone right now and for the next few days since Jihyo unnie says that she's busy this days so that leaves me alone here" she explains with a pout that she doesn't even noticed that.

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