So Beautiful

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Pairing : Mina × Fem!reader

Summary : a modern day for the royal family to meet someone who's gonna be part of their life.

rqts by : whynotxlove


Author's P o V

Mina sighed as she sat down on the train all by herself, she plug on her earphones and decided to listen to "So Beautiful" by DPR IAN. The music started echoing in her ears as a smile crept in her fluffy cheeks which came out unintentionally.

She closes her eyes as she enjoyed the song, her lips naturally twisting into a adorable smile when she notices she was letting out little hums that attracted a few people beside her to look at her, she blushes and apologized.

What she didn't know was, she was able to attract the attention of a certain person or girl perhaps. She was sitting at the far right corner just a few meters away from Mina's chair, she look at her curiously as she observe Mina from where she's seated.

"She's indeed beautiful..." Her breath knock out of her lungs when Mina looks out of the window and admire the scenario before her, subconsciously to her, her own lips tugged a gentle smile as she stares at the girl.

Noticing the girl's odd behavior infront of her, a woman snap her fingers infront of the girl's face causing her to flinch and came back to her senses. The woman turn to where she is looking at and immediately smirk when she saw the blush spreading all across her cheeks.

"My, my... You have a nice taste Lady Y/N~" The woman said teasingly causing Y/n to blushed and glare at her.

"Jeongyeon! shut up and please... no one must found out I'm a princess for goodness sake!" Y/n whisper shouted at her causing Jeongyeon to gasp and cover her mouth in realization.

"Oh my bad... hehehehe..." Jeongyeon smiled at her but Y/n could only frown and slap her hand on her forehead.



"Welcome Lady Myoui." The maids welcomed Mina inside the castle as she slightly bowed back. She composed her posture and roamed her eyes across the wide spacious castle, only to glanced back to the maids with a questioning look.

"Uhm... Do you perhaps knew where are the King and Queen is? I'm actually going to have a talk with them..." She asked them while raising a brow. The maids look at each other and nodded.

"This way my Lady.." And they lead her up the castle on where she assumed the King and Queen is at. They knocked at the door before opening it for the princess.

When Mina entered the room she saw the King and Queen sitting at their throne while chatting but stop when they saw it was at the door.

The King smiled widely and got off his throne to greet the princess, the Queen did the same thing and smiled warmly at Mina.

"Mina! You have paid us a surprised visit!" He happily exclaimed after greeting Mina, the Queen stand beside him and pulled Mina gently into her embrace. They pulled away from each other as the Queen patted her shoulder.

"Yeah... It's almost time for the wedding so~ why not visit my soon to be parents?" She smiled at them which they returned. The Queen was the one who spoke this time.

"What a sweet girl~ oh.. speaking of the wedding... why don't you meet your soon to be wife? i think she's around here together with her lady servant." She suggested which Mina thought for a while. She doesn't have any idea who this soon to be wife of her's and she was hesitant to know who she was.

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