trapped in a demon's hands

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A/n; a little warning for this chap alright!


Nayeon peacefully walks alone late in the afternoon after visiting the church. She grasp the bible tightly against her hold as she carefully stride her way back home.

Everything was doing fine for her not until a strong gushed of wind went passed her way causing her to shudder when the cold breeze touches her skin. She hold the bible much tighter when her head suddenly whipped towards the other end of the forest near the side walk.

Something in her guts is telling her that something might happen to her at any moment, she sighed shakily as she did the sign of cross while closing her eyes.

"May God guide me home safely..." She silently mumble to herself as she tooked glance of the dark empty forest. She doesn't know why but there's this feeling that she can't seem to shake off.

She felt like she was watched beyond her knowing.

But she kept her faith strong and forced her trembling body to continue her journey back to her home.

After a moment later, she safely landed her feet in front of their door with her pale knuckles softly knocking against the shining wood.

The door opened and her smiling mother greeted her, she patted Nayeon's head and let her in before shutting the door behind them.

Without them knowing, a unwelcomed visitor took step inside with shimmering eyes as it hide itself in the dark shadows.

Nayeon's father then emerges out from the kitchen and smiled when he saw his oldest daughter clutching the bible in her hands.

What they failed to noticed was Nayeon looks disturbed. She doesn't know why but some weird feeling started to build tension near her causing her to get paranoid every second.

She gulped and took a seat behind her mother in their living room with her mother kneeling down as she silently prayed, a rosary hanging loosely in her left hand as she started to begin.

Nayeon just silently watched her mother praying, as she shakily breathe out. Her eyes subconsciously aiming it's attention up their stairs.

And what caught her off was there was a girl. The girl was around the same age as her, black short hair and slim figure. Her cheeks was soft, nose pointed but what made Nayeon tear up was...

Her eyes were glowing red behind the dark and she plastered a creepy grin.

Nayeon couldn't handle it and accidentally let go her grip of the bible causing it to fall into the floor. Her mother got startled as she gaze behind her daughter seeing her starting to tear up as both of her hands shake violently.

She panicked and immediately got call of her husband, both of them trying to avert Nayeon's attention away from the stairs.

"Jay! She's not paying attention! She's getting paler at any moment, what could she see in the stairs that we couldn't?!" Nayeon's mother exclaimed as she shakes her daughter who has been staring at nowhere with no sign of consciousness.

Her husband but his lip and stared at the stairs only to find it empty. He looks at her daughter worriedly and clutched his fist already knew what to do in her situation.

"An evil spirit must've followed her and is messing with her, come on get ready let's bring her to my uncle, his a priest in a church nearby." He got his keys out and lift the self-unconscious Nayeon with her wife trailing behind.

She looks at her daughter worriedly and stared at the stairs, she did the sign of cross before locking the door.

"Dear God, please help us stay away from the evil spirits." She sighed and followed her husband and daughter to the car.

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