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Pairing : Sana × fem!reader

Summary : Sana is jealous... really really jealous..

Top Sana! × Bottom fem!reader!


"Alright, find your partners everyone and I'll give you 15 minutes to discuss your project with your partner!" Ms. Myoui announced causing you to sighed.

Great... you really don't have any friends here so who would you work with? you were thinking about working the project by yourself -

"Hey Y/N~ would you like to partner up?" Your overthinking was caught off when your seatmate called out your name.

You look to your side and saw Son Chaeyoung, your long time crush since you transferred into the university.

And it made you blush that your own crush was asking you to be her partner. Chaeyoung was smiling at you cutely as your heart flutter in adoration for the blonde. You smile and was about to answer when someone beat you to it.

A girl places her arm around your neck and smirks at Chaeyoung. Her sweet honey scent makes you want to roll your eyes when you realized who it was.

Minatozaki Sana, your goddamn stepsister.

"Sorry Son, but Y/N is already taken by none other than me so better find yourself someone else~" You could literally feel her widening smirk against your neck causing you to scoff.

"Sana what are-" She shushed you off and covered your mouth as you tried to remove her grip in your mouth.

Chaeyoung smiled at you before turning to Sana and you fucking swear you saw her glare at your sister before she got up and went to find someone.

Sana removed her hand and took a sit at Chaeyoung's table, you glared at her and snarl at her.

"You fucking destroyed my opportunity to spend time with her! Augh! I hate you!" You growl at her and left your table before excusing yourself to the restroom.

As you strive to the restroom, you can't help but huff in annoyance because of what your annoying loud sister, who just ditched your only chance to get close to your crush.

"I fucking hate you Minatozaki..." You growl under your breath as the students around the area got away because they thought you we're glaring at them which was true but wasn't really your intention though that doesn't matter anymore.


It was already 8 when you came home from your practice, you entered the empty hall and was surprised to see who it was who's talking to your parents.

The oldies turned to you and smiled calling out your name as you blushed when she looks at you while smiling.

"Oh? There she is! Y/N dear come here!" Your step dad called you leaving you no choice but to head to where they are.

You took a sit beside your smiling mother and you were facing Chaeyoung- as in the one and only Son Chaeyoung.

She waves at you as you chuckled and wave back to her with a wide smile.

You were just admiring her when your parents suddenly spoke causing you to widen your eyes.

"We decided to combine our both companies and emerge as one! and we want you to be married by the end of the month!" Your step dad happily exclaimed as you choke on your saliva.

Chaeyoung giggled when she saw your reaction. You look up at the man and gasp before stuttering out jumbled words.

"Y-you what?! M-married?!?" You gasp out as they only smiled happily and surprisingly it was also Chaeyoung's reaction, smiling cutely at you which made you want to slap yourself if this is real.

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