Project finished

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Pairing : Tzuyu × fem!reader

Summary : Tzuyu and Y/n despise each other..

rqts by : Linouche_45

Top Tzuyu × Bottom fem!reader

Y/n's POV;

"Y/n don't ever try to some closer to Tzuyu!" Jeongyeon unnie whisper to me making me frown at her, turning to where she was looking at and saw one of the prettiest girl I've ever seen aside from me.

I look at Jeongyeon unnie in disbelief. "She's literally an angel unnie, what do you mean?" I chuckled as she scoff.

"Don't let that angel face of her's cloud your mind... She's indeed good looking but to be honest her real personality is a trash." I laughed at her and pushed her away.

"Quit being judgemental!" I laugh as she glared at me and walks away heading inside the school while sulking leaving me outside with that girl she's been judging. I took a last glance to her before looking away and finally went inside the school.

I saw Jeongyeon unnie from the distance and immediately called her out.

"Jeong-unnie wait up!" I sprinted to her.


"Class i will be the one to assign your partners since i have no trusts in y'all. You guys are biases!" I chuckled at our teacher's words... I mean she has a point though, my classmates are all unfair for some reason.

After a while she brought out her list and started pairing up the whole class until it was only me and a certain person left who isn't announce yet.

Ms. Yeh announces my name and i let out a shaky breath as i heard my partner's name.

"Yoo Y/n and Chou Tzuyu are our last pair!" After Ms. Yeh announces that a lot of gossips and murmurs filled the room.

"Gosh poor Y/n... I bet she'll lose her v-card too."

"Yeah right.. as if you didn't wish your's to be taken by that Chou too.."

"Bitch who tf wouldn't think and wish of that if you're gonna give your v-card to such good looking person?!"

"I mean she has a point... who wants to lose their v-card to a person looking like they'll abduct you after using you...?"

"Whores ugh, whatever.."

And oh god what the hell are they actually talking about?! I sigh and internally thank Ms. Yeh for shutting them up.

"Nah-uh, shut your mouths up... only my golden voice is allowed to be heard." She boldly smirk at us making me giggle as I felt someone staring at me. I shiver and turned to look from my side and saw Tzuyu staring at me emotionless, I gulped and look away from her.

She's indeed odd...


"What?!? you are her partner?!"  As expected Jeongyeon unnie exclaimed loudly while staring at me in disbelief.  I rolled my eyes at her, me and her together with her girlfriend — Nayeon unnie — are in the school's parking lot.

"Unnie it's just a project, don't make it a big deal!" I said.

"So being alone with her for the next few hours isn't a big deal?!?" She shouted as i sighed.

"Unnie a lot of students are in there not only us, so calm your ass down will ya?" I said making her sulk and got inside the car, I chuckled and turn to Nayeon unnie.

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