What are you doing-

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Pairing: Mina x Chaeyoung

Summary: Chaeyoung wanted to dominate Mina but then things started to turn around when she found herself being pinned beneath a smirking penguin.

Top Mina! x Bottom Chaeyoung


Mina landed on her back as she was harshly pushed down on the bed behind her.

"Agh— what the- why did you do that?!" She whisper shouted to the girl infront of her, smirking mischievously.

Chaeyoung crawled up to her still wearing that sexy sly smirk on her face.

She leans forward and nibbles at Mina's ears causing her to let out a quiet whimper.

She tugged at it gently before biting down harshly which made Mina whimper much more loudly.

"You know what is about to happen unnie~" Chaeyoung whispered to her and pulls away to take her own shirt off and dumped it to the side.

Mina was shamelessly eyeing her as she did that, gulping so hard when she saw that the younger was not wearing any bra as her nipples got exposed.

Her eyes travelled down to Chaeyoung's flat stomach, her abs illuminating despite the little light coming from the only night lamp in their room.

Chaeyoung smirk once again when she noticed the older checking her out.

She got Mina's hands and made it cupped her chest as she release a sighed when the warm pads of Mina's delicate hand made contact with her hardened nipple.

"Mmmh~" Chaeyoung moaned as she closes her eyes while Mina was a blushing mess beneath her.

"C-Chae? not now! the members—" Chaeyoung shushes her using her lips.

She sealed Mina's with her own, kissing her roughly as Mina lets out a hum through the kiss.

Chaeyoung pulls away panting, she looks at the older with heavy lids and saw her smirking at her.

She gulped seeing the older staring at her like that.

"M-Mina..? w-why are you—" She got caught off as she was abruptly being pushed down the bed with Mina pinning both of her wrist right beside her head.

Mina laughed at her darkly as she felt the younger tense beneath her hold.

She leans in and lands a peck on Chaeyoung's ear and whispered at it.

"You really think i don't know your tactics, Chaeng?" She whispered as Chaeyoung shudders under her, nipples hardening even more as her mind was blinded with lust and desire.

Mina travels her hands downward and presses harshly against her underwear, Chaeyoung whimpers.

"You will never get out under my control little one~" She laughed before ripping off Chaeyoung's sweatpants together with her underwear.

Chaeyoung yelps at the sudden action, and watches as Mina throws her ruined clothing to the cold floor.

"Think again." And with that Mina pushes two fingers inside her as Chaeyoung moans in pain.

Fuck, Mina didn't even bother to let her adjust and just begins to penetrate her right away.

"M-Mina! S-slow— d-down! Augh!" Chaeyoung pleads her but Mina didn't bother listening to her and just increased her pace even more.

Under a few moments later, Chaeyoung was a moaning and squirming mess under her.

Not caring how loud she is, Mina licks her lips as she looks up at Chaeyoung's face.

Blonde hair scattered around the sheets, mouth agape as moans spilled out with her eyes shut tightly, brows scrunch to each other.

"Such a beautiful sight~" She cooed at her as she added another finger.

This made Chaeyoung moan loudly as she clutch against the sheets tightly.

"Mina!" She exclaimed as she clench tightly around Mina's fingers, Mina took this sign that the girl was close to coming as she brought her thumb to rubbed at the swollen neglected nub.

She pressed firmly as she continues to penetrate the younger under her.

"Come for Unnie, darling~" Mina said sweetly as Chaeyoung clamps down at her fingers almost making it impossible for her to thrust in.

Mina grunts as she felt her fingers being suck inside Chaeyoung.

"Fuck... Your so tight—" She said as she pushes her finger much harder.

Suddenly Chaeyoung lets out a scream when Mina's fingers brushes against her spot accidentally.

"Unnie! right there! fuck!!" Mina groaned and hit it rapidly as Chaeyoung twitch beneath her and comes with a loud long moan.

Shuddering as the felt her whole body convulsing as the pleasure flows across her whole body.

Her mind becomes blank right after she's done releasing all her essence.

Mina chuckle and remove her fingers out of Chaeyoung as Chaeyoung whimpers at the feeling of not being full.

"That's what you get for trying, Cub... Though i don't mind you topping me," she smiled when she saw Chaeyoung already sleeping, she pulls the blanket beside the bed and covers Chaeyoung's body with it.

She then soon sat beside Chaeyoung on the bed, just simply admiring the sleeping girl.

She chuckled before whispering her a goodnight.

"Though i admit it, you look so cute acting you could dominate me rather than a dominant and intimidating one~" she kisses the younger on the forehead before joining her in bed.


[a/n: damn the picture above of michaeng used to be me and ex girlfriend's matching dp ☠️☠️]

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