i wanna ruin our friendship and we should be lovers instead

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Pairing: Jeongyeon × Momo

Summary : Momo finds the class boring and her bestfriend was more interesting than the lessons.

rqts: holyrockstar

Top Mo × Bot Jeong


Jeongyeon's pov

I sighed as i check my wrist watch out to know that we still have 30 minutes more to spare before the classes end. I scratch my neck in disappointment as i felt someone's chin leans into my shoulder.

I glanced at my side and saw my bestfriend, Momo, scooted her chair impossibly close to mine. I laughed at her which she boredly looks at me.

"Sup Mo?" I chuckled when she lazily smiled at me and raised her hand for a lazy thumb up.

"I'm bored... my hands needs to be productive though... so they need something to work on." She shrug and slump on my shoulders again as i shake my head because of her.

A few more minutes past, and i felt Momo's hand sneak somewhere in my thigh. I glanced at her but she was nonchalantly looking at the teacher.

I shrug and brought my attention back to the teacher and pay attention to what she is saying.

But then again, Momo's hand sneaks even more higher until it was inside my skirt, I gasped and slapped her arm but she didn't mind and continue to pushed her hand higher.

I look at her in disbelief but to my surprise she only has a mischievous smirk playing in her lips.

"The fuck are you doing?!" I whisper shouted to her but she just shrug and lean closer while i tried my best to stay away from her.

She leans into my side and lick my ear before whispering.

"I need to work, so don't make any noise while i concentrate will you?" She grinned and pull away from me with her hand still inside my skirt.

I didn't want to cause any attention towards us so i stayed quiet as much as possible and tried many attempts to remove her hand but she just swat it away.

And after so many attempts, I gave up once i felt her swiping the pads of her finger against my clit as i slightly jump off my seat in surprised.

I grip at her but she just continues to teased me under my desk while in the middle of class.

I glanced at the wall clock and saw it was already 11:44, that means we only have about six minutes before the bell rings for lunch time.

Momo's fingers were still playing with me as i tried all my best to stop myself from moaning loudly as her fingers pushed through my walls just in time when i felt myself being close to having an orgasm.

"M-mo... I'm coming — " I whimper to her but she pulled out before i could orgasm then the bell suddenly rings loudly indicating it was lunchtime.

I groaned and glared at Momo, she laughs and pull me up despite i was having difficulty in walking.

She leans to my ear and kiss it.

"We have an hour for ourselves, don't worry~" Then she pulled the both of us and brought us to a nearby bathroom.


Momo pushed me into a single stall as i groan in pain when my back hits the tiled wall. She smirk and kiss me for the first time and didn't waste anytime before pulling my skirt up into my waist and put my underwear into the side.

I let out a small whimper when her finger came in contact with my wet pussy and teased me there. I whine at her as my legs weakly wobbled as i felt her rub over my clit with enough pressure.

I bit my lip trying to suppress my moan, only for her to swat my hand and pin it over my head. I widened my eyes to her but she didn't give a single fuck before kissing me in my neck adding more heat throughout my body as her soft lips and hot breath hit my skin.

"Mo... g-gosh.." I can't help but gasp when she entered me unexpectedly as my eyes shut tight together. She giggled against my skin before thrusting into me with a steady rhythm.

I felt her lean into my side and lick my jaw before biting at it softly, her teeth slowly sinking into my flesh as her fingers continue to explore in my body.

"You're nice and tight, Jeong... I always wonder if your girlfriend fuck you like i do right.." I didn't much heard her because i was so clouded in lust and pleasure and i didn't even notice i was quite moaning her name aloud.

I open my eyes and as expected she has this satisfied moan plastered in her face that i badly want to slap but didn't have the strength to do so.

All of a sudden, my lower abdomen tighten as i knew i was close to coming.

I moan and whimpered out Momo's name as she quickens her thrust each moments that past. I moaned when i saw her biceps flexing as she fasten her movements and that made bring into my orgasm.

My body convulses as my cum shoots out of me into Momo's hands. I sighed and slump into her shoulder as exhaustion washed over me like a hit of a truck.

I heard Momo chuckled and wrapped her arms around me, landing a soft kiss on top of my head as i become drowsy.

But before i could even passed out, she whispered to me the words I've been waiting for her to say for a very long time.

"I don't want to be your bestfriend anymore... I'm way better than your girlfriend.."

Then, i passed out.


woah! that's a wrapped folks ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

and im surprised that there's actually a plenty of people to whom message me here and left comments in my request chapter!

and yo, im working on all of ur requests don't worry, just drained from school and tired to actually finished a proper chapter but i will upload all ur requests once im done wid em (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

again vote and comment ur thoughts for this chapter <3

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