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Pairing: Jihyo x Nayeon

Summary: Jihyo reminded Nayeon who's the boss in the relationship inside and out.

Warnings: Finger-fucking, Rough treatment, Degrading.

Top Jihyo! Bottom Nayeon!

"Well yeah? Jihyo doesn't really mind taking me in any places and sometimes i think i could even make her cum in just few teasing" Nayeon said proudly to her band members, not minding that her girlfriend was listening to what she was saying.

Jihyo's ears redden at her girlfriend's statement, clearly offended by that. Their fellow bandmates laughed at this and it honestly upsets Jihyo pretty much, And one thing Nayeon wasn't able to notice is that her girlfriend was getting annoyed by her opinion.

Jeongyeon laughs loudly while occasionally hitting the quiet Jihyo by her shoulder, not noticing her dark aura. "HAHAHAHAHA, JIHYO?!" she laughed like a mad woman as her members laugh with her even Nayeon. Jihyo scoffed and gots up from her seat leaving the rest confused at her behavior. Even Nayeon was confused of her girlfriend's action.

One member was able to noticed Jihyo's sudden change of mood throughout the conversation since the topic has been brought out. She stands up from her seat as well bidding her bandmates that she's going to lit up a joint.

She headed towards the rooftop of the apartment as she places the stick between her lips, she opened the door and smiled when her guts were telling her right. She goes to her and chuckled when she saw Jihyo's frowning face.

"What's with that face huh? Jihyo-ya?" She asked and patted the fuming woman's back, Jihyo looks at her annoyed as she stoles the cigarette placed between the woman's lips. She tooks a puffed and let it out, "What brings you here, Mina?" She looks at her bandmate in confusion, Mina chuckled and tooked out another joint from the back of her pocket, lighting it up after.

She turned to Jihyo and shrug. "You seem off after Nayeon unnie said those stuff" she tooked a puff and blew it out all while closing her eyes. Jihyo scoffed remembering what the older had said from earlier.

"and sometimes i think i could even make her cum in just few teasing... "

Nayeon's voice ringed at her mind rapidly as she feels tears started to form on the corner of her eyes, Mina widen her eyes when she sees Jihyo's state, she place the joint between her lips letting the smoke flow out of her lips, while she brought Jihyo to her embrace. comforting the latter in silence and Jihyo hugs her back while she quietly sobs in the Japanese's shoulder.

"I didn't know she felt that way... " She sobs in Mina's shoulder as Mina rubs her back in soft circles. "You know jihyo-ya, i think that was unintentional, i mean Nayeon's tone sounded joking.." she stopped at that and held the older against her tighter.

Jihyo pulled away and sadly looks at her, "It may be but Nayeon knows me well... I don't like being degraded infront of other people since I'm sensitive of that topic!" She unconsciously shouted at Mina but she didn't flinch since she knew that the older was just letting out what she feels so instead she just kept quiet and listen to Jihyo's ranting.

"That whole sentence was a joke for you guys but... for me?! it hurted my feelings! It felt like i wasn't fulfilling my own partner's desires and needs... " she drops on her knees and sobbed her heart out.

Mina came beside her and cupped her face, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. Jihyo looks up and saw Mina smiling at her.

Mina smirked at her and laughed lightly, as Jihyo looked at her bewildered thinking she's going sane. The Japanese's just shushed her and gave out an amazing idea.

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