same room with your girlfriend

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"Mina unnie-! what are you doing?!" Tzuyu whispered harshly as she tried to pry away Mina's mischievous hands from discarding her shirt.

Mina smirked as she got hold of the girl's hands and abruptly pinned them above her head as she straddle the girl.

Tzuyu gulped nervously as her eyes pry away from Mina's lustful gaze and went to the direction on the bed beside them.

"Unnie! please.. stop what you are planning right now! my girlfriend is literally beside us!" She once tried to convince Mina but obviously failed as the girl on top slap her free hand to her lips to shut her up.

Mina chuckled darkly as she looks at the terrified girl pinned under her mercy. She clicked her tongue as a mischievous grin effortlessly made it's way to her lips.

"Who cares? You were supposed to be mine in the first place, Tzuyu yah." Mina lowly whispered as she lean in closer to the girl's neck leaving a single kiss on her throat which caused the girl to let out a muffled gasped.

Eyes falling shut as she felt the softness of her lips touching her already burning skin. As much as she want to resist the temptation but it was so hard.

Having THE MYOUI MINA on top of you who is willing to give you the best time of your life wouldn't you be tempted.

It feels so wrong, it feels so right, she didn't mean she was inlove tonight right.

Tzuyu thoughts were pushed away when she felt incredibly soft pair of lips attached to her own, she widen her eyes in shock as she unintentionally let out a little too loud moan that causes Sana beside their bed to slightly groan in her sleep.

Tzuyu whimpered against Mina's lips as she tried to push her away but wasn't able to when Mina pinned her back strongly, completely disabling her ability to escape from her grip.

Mina chuckled once she pulled away from the kiss, eyes searching for Sana's sleeping figure who was snoring loudly beside their bed.

"Relax Tzu~ you're Mama Sita's not going to find out it, stop being a bitch and let me have my fun!" Mina grit her teeth as she jeld her down firmly.

She took in Tzuyu's miserable state as she felt her self in awe at the sight.

Gasping swollen lips, teary round eyes and her glossy blushing skin.. fuck..

She was going crazy because of her, not wanting to waste another second. She harshly slammed her lips back to Tzuyu's as her hands let go of her hands as it slowly creep down her shoulders and stop at the very end of her shirt.

She felt Tzuyu gasp against the kiss and she tooked this opportunity to pushed her tongue inside her mouth and explored her mouth as she tooked in her tongue inside her own and sucked at it causing Tzuyu to let out a soft muffled moan.

She grasped at her shirt and easily pulled it over her head causing Tzuyu to gasp yet again because of her actions.

Tzuyu stared at Mina in surprised as the other girl just wink at her as her hands fumble at the clip of her bra, surprising once again Tzuyu as she saw the material flying right next to Sana's slippers.

Mina smirked as she saw Tzuyu's reaction, she lean down and lick the length of Tzuyu's neck as her hands knead the soft flesh between her palm, the hard pebble being constantly squeeze between her slender digits.

Tzuyu whimpered at the contact of her cold fingers against her skin. Her back arched away from the bed to chased Mina's playful fingers, Mina chuckled at her desperation.

She suck a red mark against Tzuyu's glistening skin as she pulled away to analyze the amazing view Tzuyu was giving her.

All sweaty.. hungry eyes.. messed up and lost.. fuck again.

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