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Pairing: Sana × Jihyo

Summary: Jihyo saw Sana in her vulnerable state and has nothing but pure intension towards the poor girl.

(a/n: this was requested by someone in the comments but i forgot their username... hope you read this and enjoy!)


(3rd person)

It's already 1am.

Yet here she was, yawning loudly as she lazily went to her favorite convenience store to have her late night dinner since she overslept for almost 2 hours after she got out of college.

Jihyo inserted both of her palms in the pocket of her warm hoodie as she released a shaky breath.

Being it almost a few months before winter, the weather started almost immediately freezing.

Making it difficult for her to leave the warmed that her apartment provides her.

But then again, she doesn't have any plans in rotting on her bed all day while the others were being productive unlike her...

So yeah, here she was standing in the door of the wide 24/7 convenience store, there wasn't quite much people inside. Perhaps it was only the cashier who's in nightshift, a grumpy old patrol man drinking the local coffee in a big cup and lastly, a blonde girl probably sleeping because she got her head down on the food counters.

None of them noticed her though, since they all have businesses to mind.

Jihyo went inside and the cold wind of the air conditioned made her chills, and she quickly shrugged it off and went to an aisle in the back part of the convenience store near where the sleeping(?) girl was at.

She checks every variety of ramen she might like to have feast with but curiously averted her gaze when she heard a muffled sob...?

She peek her head out of the tall aisle and her eyes landed on the girl, she saw how the girl's shoulder was flinching every second as she tried to quiet down her sobs.

Jihyo's heart ache at the girl's pitying position, she wanted to comfort the girl, tell her someone's willing to listen to her if she has problems but clearly, she doesn't, she was mere stranger.

Perhaps in both parties, they were typical strangers that will only met once then mind each other's businesses the next second.

Though feeling doubtful, Jihyo still choose to get closer to the girl, hoping that she's alright despite it may not look like she was.

As Jihyo got closer, the girl might have noticed the other girl's arrival causing her to gently shot up her head and stared at Jihyo's direction.

And if Jihyo's being honest, she sadly tooked the image of the poor girl.

Eyes red and swollen because of maybe crying nonstop, her parted lips has a small cut in it and Jihyo can't help but avert her eyes everywhere of the girl's skin.


It was quite simple to know what happened to the fragile girl, she must have been abused since her bruises were quite fresh. She can't help but sighed when she also noticed that the girl was shivering from the cold.

She didn't even waste more time and stride to the girl, taking off the hoodie she's wearing and gave it to the girl.

Carefully helping her wear the warm hoodie as the girl sighed when her body started to brought out heat.

The girl looks at Jihyo with sad eyes but was able to deliver her a small thanking smile that made Jihyo's heart melt.

"Oh my, you're so cold sweetie... what's your name?" She asked worriedly the girl as her hands both made in contact with the girl's pale shivering cheeks causing the girl to lean in her touch.

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