tell me what you want

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a/n: you guys wouldn't mind if i spam you with sahyo chaps right? 👁️👄👁️

3rd person's pov

"So you made me come here in your dorm just to have sex with me?" It may be inconvenient to ask that obvious question but nonetheless Jihyo still had the power to ask that.

Sana rolled her eyes at the girl's obliviousness but still straddle her hips, arms around the nape of the younger as she pulled their bodies flushed in a speed of light.

"What a dumb question you have there, isn't it obvious?" Sana ask and wiggles her brows though she started to grind down on Jihyo's lap. The younger of the two smirked seeing the older's bold action.

Jihyo places her arms around her hips and helped her grind harder against her while her lips nipped at Sana's sensitive spot on her neck, not caring if her sucks will leave marks.

Not that Sana would care if Jihyo claims her.

"Your cousin Mina, could return at any moment Sana. You're too naughty." She smirks as she spanked her ass harshly causing Sana to threw her head back and moan in pleasure. Jihyo always knew she was a slut in bed, she like getting hit anywhere, like to get fucked roughly and didn't have any care if people might caught her naked as long as Jihyo's the one who's dominating her.

After all she's Jihyo's. Jihyo's Sana.

Sana looked at her before shaking her head.

"She's out with her girlfriend, Nayeon. You know she dated a one hell rough psycho, probably she won't have any chance to walk home. So just focused on me tonight." She hissed as she leaned for a kiss, she nibbled against Jihyo's lips and tugged at it as she cupped her face in her hands.

Jihyo chuckled and grabbed the girl's hips in her hands before carrying her. Once they reached Sana's bedroom, Jihyo throw her to the bed and smirk at her. Sana whined when Jihyo started to tooked off her shirt in a teasing manner.

"Jihyo, if you won't stop the teasing I'll fucking take you right on your spot!" Jihyo chuckled at Sana's empty threat, looking at the older one right now was funny since her face don't contrast her own words.

Sana keep whining for her touch as she tried to clench her thighs for any friction but Jihyo was quick to stopped her.

Jihyo sternly looked at her with a questioning look, she gripped her thighs as her nails slightly dig at Sana's skin causing her to throw her head back at the pain, letting out a mewled when Jihyo deepen her nails with a naughty smirk.

"First, you're threatening me and then? this? you really thought I'll reward you for what you did? tsk... you pathetic slut." Jihyo hissed in her ear as she ripped off Sana's clothes, leaving her bare and cold.

Sana let out a whimper when Jihyo let out those words. She tried to cupped Jihyo but her hands were rudely swat away. Jihyo glared at her and got up from the bed.

She directly went to Sana's secret drawer and got out Sana's favorite strap, seeing the thing she got, Sana can't help but let out pathetic begs to the younger.

"Jihyo! please I'll be good! just please touch me!-" Sana cried out but Jihyo immediately shushed her up.

Jihyo straddled her hips and kiss her to shut her up from her annoying whining. Sana hungrily kissed her back as her hands were abruptly pinned beside her head by Jihyo.

Jihyo slowly trailed her kisses down Sana's skin, leaving small to huge bruising hickies that left the older girl gasping for air. Jihyo hands expertly fumbled her breasts, twisting, pinching and pulling them harshly which made Sana cried out at the sensation.

"Jihyo!" She called out her name like a ritual, her hands trying to get free from Jihyo's grasp but miserably failed as Jihyo tighten her grip.

Jihyo transfers her harsh kisses all over Sana's cleavage and stopped right infront of her perky nips, taking one in mouth while the other's being taken care by her hand.

Sana was nothing but a moaning mess, her body twitching every touch Jihyo gave her.

Soon, Jihyo positioned herself ontop of Sana again. She grab the tip of the fake shaft and run it up and down Sana's wet heat. Sana moaned uncontrollably when Jihyo pushed all the way in.

Her walls stretch wildly to accommodate the thickness and length of the strap, her nails dug in Jihyo's wrists as she didn't gave her any chance to adjust.

Jihyo slammed her hips against Sana in a quick pace, making sure to bury the strap in her deepest. Listening to nothing but Sana's cries in pleasure as she writhe under touch.

Jihyo grasp both Sana's wrists and pinned them above her head using only her other hand as she continues to jackhammer her. Her other hand crawling it's way to Sana's slit and rubbed painfully slow on her stiff clit.

Sana screamed when Jihyo did that, her pace never stopping as she delivered short but effective thrusts almost cutting her breath.

Loud slapping noises echoed in the whole room as Jihyo's pounding didn't stopped.

Soon, Jihyo had made Sana cum for the first time that night, not even bothering to let her high subsided before she lifted her legs on her shoulders and lean down to shut Sana's complaints with a french kiss.

Because of their position, Jihyo was able to thrust even deeper inside of sana which made the girl mewled in pleasure.

She watched Sana's watched contrasted with nothing but pure pleasure. She growled under her breath and deepen her thrust.

Completely drilling Sana as she screamed her lungs out.

"J-Jihyo! Stop- I'm still sensitive!-" Her begging to make Jihyo stopped from pounding into her didn't brought anything, only for Jihyo to fasten her pounding even more as if it was impossible.

"Shut the fuck up slut! Don't you want this? me fucking your dirty tight pussy so hard that it'll be puffy and sore early in the morning? don't you want that? so shut that shitty mouth out and take what i give you!" Jihyo spat out as she straighten her back and grasp at Sana's hips.

She pulled the lower body of the girl to her waist as she started to give her a big one massive thrust that made Sana screamed out her name as she cummed again.

Whole body convulsing as she finally felt sensitivity flaring in her inside's.

She can't help but cried out trying to urge Jihyo to stopped thrusting.

Jihyo leans down and shushed her, peppering kisses all over her face as she delivers slow yet careful thrust.

After awhile, Jihyo pulled out the strap and throws it to the floor. She hovered ontop of Sana and comforted her.

She let her calm down first and cleaned her up, slowly pulling the comforter to cover their bodies out as they cuddled underneath.

When they were about to fall asleep. Jihyo's phone rings loudly from the nightstand.

"Yah! Mina's calling!" Sana laughed at Jihyo's expression before telling her to answer it.

Jihyo carefully answered the call and a loud scolding welcomed the both of them.

"You motherfuckers! The landlord called me out in the middle of me and my Nayeon's night when apparently "someone" literally awoken the whole floor with ridiculous screaming! you whores wouldn't give me peace would you?! Oh god damn I'll fucking beat the shit out of -" Jihyo cut her nagging.

She tossed her phone away and laughed together with Sana, who was slightly blushing in embarrassment.

"I told you, Sana-yah. We need you to get use to using a gag, in that way we wouldn't get lots of complaints-" Sana hits her face using a pillow as she hides in embarrassment.

"Ah seriously! you have such a dirty mouth!" Sana glared at her but Jihyo just laughed at her.

"Dirty? would you still call it dirty if I'll make you cum using this mouth?-" Sana abruptly pushed her as she blushes.

"Park Jihyo! shut the fuck up!"

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