say yes

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Pairing : Jeongyeon × Mina

Summary : They like each other but they were bestfriends...

a/n : i was walking home after hanging out with my bestfriend, i was listening to 'Say Yes' while heading home then this idea came up 👁️👄👁️

Anyways enjoy! don't forget to vote and comment ur thoughts about this chapter ^_^

Also play the song from above while reading ^^

t h i r d p e r s o n p o v ;

( I'm infront of you, I'm right here )

Jeongyeon's head snapped when she felt someone pinching at her cheek lightly as she frowns and look at her side.

Only to see her bestfriend smiling at her widely while giggling. She can't help but travel her eyes down to the girl's lips. She gulped.

( Tell me with your lips say yes, say yes )

"Hi Jeongyeon-san!" Mina giggled at her as she waved, Jeongyeon smiled and greeted her back.

"Good morning too, Mina-shi~" she smiled and patted the girl's hair making her giggle even more and stands up from her seat and carefully went to Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon was starstruck at how beautiful her bestfriend was, she was in complete awe.

( I didn't even realize i was going towards you )

Mina stood infront of her still smiling, she gently leans towards Jeongyeon which caught her off guard, confused in what the girl was about.

Mina took a sniffed in her neck which made Jeongyeon froze in her spot, Mina pulls back smiling widely at her.

"You're wearing the perfume i gave you last week! I love it on you!" Mina cheerfully said which made Jeongyeon can't help but pull the girl closer to her hold.

She truly adores the girl very much.

( I'll let you know along with the winds love is true )

The both of them stared at each other while smiling, not aware about their position.

Jeongyeon has her arms wrapped around Mina's slim waist securing the girl in her hold.

Mina grinned and wrap her's around Jeongyeon's neck and hug the girl to her.

( When your hands wraps around my shoulder gently )

Mina gently holds herself closer to Jeongyeon as she nestles her face in the girl's neck, enjoying the sweetness of her perfume especially the warmness the girl's body is giving her.

She never felt safe in anyone's arms other than Jeongyeon.

( When you look at me intensely as i talk )

Mina looks up when Jeongyeon called her out, Jeongyeon grin at how adorable Mina looks as she squeeze herself more in her. She can't help but emit a giggle before continue talking.

"How was your morning, Penguin?" Mina's smile widens when her favorite nickname was mentioned by Jeongyeon, she giggled and leans closer to Jeongyeon.

"It was fine but you made it even better the moment i saw you as i enter the classroom!" Jeongyeon blushes and laughs at Mina.

Mina on the other hand, can't help but admire her bestfriend while laughing.

She looks so beautiful...

( At the loud beating heartbeats, my season is spring )

She even felt her own heart pounding inside her ribs as she continues to admire the girl infront of her.

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