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"Yah! Chaeyoung give me attention!" Momo whines and shake Chaeyoung's body leaving the girl frowning in annoyance.

It was 5am in the morning when Momo woke up without a reason and now she wouldn't stop yelling and annoying the shit out of the younger. Chaeyoung released a shaky breath and stood up on her feet with Momo clinging unto her like a koala.

She walks up to the living room where the rest of the members are in despite the raccoon holds her tightly like a child. She sighed and called out the two Japanese that was the last ones that her girlfriend hang out with last night.

"Mina unnie and Sana unnie? what did you do with Momo? she is annoyingly clingy and won't let go of me." She said and pointed the girl tugging at her sleeves before hiding her head on her neck. Releasing low whimpers that Chaeyoung barely heard.

Mina raised her brow and pointed to Sana's direction. The squirrel squeaks.

"Sana and her did the stupidest thing ever yesterday when we walk by a shop that's selling potions... and each of them specifically requested something to the seller..." Mina explained and shrug.

Chaeyoung look over to Sana and frowned when she saw the girl had squirrel tails and is eating a lot of nuts.... what the hell..(?)

"Unnie what the fuck happen to you..?" Chaeyoung asked and frown at her. Sana smiled and chugged another handful of nuts in her mouth before speaking.

"I asked the seller lady to make a potion which can make me a squirrel but... I didn't clarify to her that i want to be a real squirrel.." she pouted in disappointment but her cheeks were soon pinched by Nayeon since she couldn't contain herself.

"You are so dumb but help- you're adorable!" She cooed her and Sana whined.

Chaeyoung sighed and turned to Momo only to see the girl cutely looking up at her.

"Momoring what did you request to the seller?" She asked as Momo clings to her.

"I think i requested a potion to make someone clingy if they drink it but i didn't believe the lady and carelessly chugged the whole potion." She innocently answered which made the rest of the members as well as Chaeyoung to slap their forehead at the girl's obliviousness.

"Pabo-yah." Tzuyu exclaimed as Jeongyeon agreed with her.

Chaeyoung sighed again and tap the girl.

"Gosh, then you become this ultra clingy now?" She received a quick nod from Momo.

"God help me-" Momo caught her off.

"Who's God?! are you cheating on me now?!" She facepalm at Momo's accusation.



"How about you Mina? what did you request to the lady?" Jihyo asked across the table as they all eat their lunch with the two portioned-girls with them, Sana eating rice with peanut butter- Momo being fed by Chaeyoung.

Mina put down her utensils and pulled out a potion bottle showing it to the others. The bottle had a bright purple dusk inside it glowing around the small glass, they can't help but be amaze.

"If i drink this potion, i will be able to communicate with y'all using my mind~" she smirk as the girls were in awe.

"Cool! can you try it now?" Dahyun exclaimed and excitedly clap her hands together. Mina nodded and drink a glass of water first before opening the cup of the potion.

It's sweet lavender smell lingering in their noses making it tickle. Mina took a small sip and close the bottle, she close her eyes and took a deep breath.

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