I hope nobody catch us

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A/n: since i can't open my account on the main Wattpad app, im currently using the beta version 👁️👄👁️👍

Also, fuck you Wattpad! you freaking deleted this chapter in my drafts, good thing i was able to find a copy of this.


The pounding Mina felt after she woke up was awful. Her head felt like it's being smashed with a hammer, she cursed herself for not controlling herself from consuming alcohol.

She groaned in pain and annoyance as she slowly opened her drawer to retrieve a bottle of water together with a aspirin.

Mina chugged it down and waited for a few more moments until her whole mind is finally more lucid enough for her to analyze about the events from the night prior.

"Fuck... I didn't do anything horrible to the public eye right?" She tilts her head in hope to remember something.

And it did.

Well not exactly the memory she hope...

She saw herself kissing a woman in the middle of a empty road.

Wait... WHAT??

She stumble on her feet when she saw a glimpse of the woman's face.

It was THE IM Nayeon.

Mina fucking made out with the South Korea's IT girl in the model industry.

Oh how reckless she can be, if media was present at that time and is probably stalking the star then BOOM 💥

Mina's fucking face will be all over the news and her peaceful life as a racer will be shared to the media in just a snap of the fingers.

"Now... I hope i won't deal with scandal with that narcissist bitch-" Her phone chimes loudly causing her to flinched in surprised.

She rolled her eyes as she pick up the device, only to bit her lip when she saw the caller.

She hesitantly answered the call and almost immediately a loud voice was already scolding her.

"Great! just great! congratulations, you got yourself all over the news bitch! get your ass up from that bed and open your god-damn TV!" Her Manager's loud voice startled her as she turn on her flat screen tv.

"According to bitch patch, one of South Korea's most best selling model and IT girl, Im Nayeon is reportedly rumored to be dating Japan's infamous car racer! Neither of the companies had yet confirmed any of this, stay tuned for more updates about the newly rumored couple!-" She shut her eyes and release a sighed. A very heavy one.

"See? you're the talk of the town, Myoui!" She rolled her eyes when she remembered she's still incall with her manager.

"Whatever, Jihyo. Fuck... I was probably so drunk last night that i didn't even know i almost slept with that bitch... gosh, her over reacting fans will now hunt me down and plan for my death." She sarcastically laughed as she turn off the tv.

"Oh! i forgot we got an appointment with her company... they said it's a big opportunity... not really sure what it is, we will go whether you like it or not-!" Mina frowned at what she said.

"Hey, the company always favors me! how could they agree to it without any consent from me?" She heard Jihyo chuckled from the phone.

"It's an offer for you and your career~" Jihyo sing song as Mina's eyes glint in excitement.

"You mean! I'm getting manage by a much more resourceful and famous company in the racing industry????" Mina shriek in excitement but Jihyo shut her up.

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