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Pair: Nayeon × Dahyun

Warning: Rape, Murder, vulgar words, mentions of drugs.

Proceed with caution. Also everything here is made out of fiction, none of this is real!


"Hey. Nayeon has been glaring at us ever since we arrived here." Mina unnie whisper to me as we sneak ourselves in the long line in the cafeteria. I frown and turn my head behind me, only to caught a woman sharply glaring at our backs but immediately looks away when i look at her.

I sighed and shook my head towards Mina unnie in a way to tell her that 'just don't mind her'. She shrug and turn back to the line with me trailing behind her with our hands intertwine together.

It's been over 4 months since i ended everything between me and Nayeon. She's a year higher than me but we we're able to see each other and surprisingly clicked right away.

But everything just become blunt and boring but most of all it's because of Nayeon herself. They say that communication is the key for a healthy relationship but for us? That was the problem, she and me rarely communicate because she always has excuse for herself.

And that's when i had enough, i finished everything because i was so paranoid and sick of her cold treatment towards me, she rarely messages me and calls me to hang out. It came to the point where i was lost because of school and of her at the same time. I was failing school because i prioritize our relationship all the time, i was the one who makes dates, secret meet ups at school and even check how she is doing while i was breaking.

I become cold towards her yet she doesn't even give a damn, she never asked me how i was doing after she saw a cut on my wrist when i visited her department. She never hug me or comforted me when i told her i was lost. She never once told me she loves me when i message her various of 'iloveyous' in our chats. She just left me on seen.

And that's when i woke up from this numb feeling, i realized she wasn't interested at all, she never actually care about me.

Then i just saw myself texting her a message where i made a decision to end everything and you know what's more painful? She just replied a casual 'oh okay' as if it wasn't a big deal to answer.

She was a total red flag.

Yet i have fall inlove with her.

Good thing i met Mina unnie. She was a blessing in disguise that came straight from the heavens. She help me cope up with life and rebuild myself and i thankful for that. She became my one and only trusted bestfriend who knows all my secrets. Yes, you read that right, she knows all my secrets even the fact that i was still inlove with her.

And now. She wants to help me heal myself first before looking forward to try to love again which i agreed too.

After we settle ourselves in a unoccupied table, we begin eating our foods while randomly talking about her girlfriend and other stuffs not until she brought up the topic.

"Nayeon has been watching me ever since she found us always hanging out, Dahyun ah." She shudder and glance behind me, to where i supposed could tell that it was where Nayeon and her gang is sitting at.

I sighed and grasp at Mina unnie's hand ontop of the table though i felt someone glaring at the back of my head i ignore it anyway.

"Mina unnie, she's gone obsessed with me. She follows me wherever i go, stalk me as i attend my other music lessons and even when i talk to students in the hall. She's crazy." I speak up in a careful whisper as i was being cautious about anyone hearing us.

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