Holy Sinners

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Pairing : Jeongyeon × Dahyun

Summary : They've been commiting sins ever since from the start...

Warning : Car sex, Cheating.

a/n : inspired by a Filipino series “Royale Blood ” but with a little twist.

Top Jeongyeon × Bottom Dahyun

"Have you heard that Nayeon and Jihyo have been fighting again?" Momo asked while chuckling waiting for her younger sister's reaction. Dahyun looks at her boredly and nodded.

"I have maids for many reasons, Momo." Momo rolled her eyes at her as she took a gulp of her wine.

"You're no fun at all, Little sister~ no wonder no men nor women wants to be with you." She bluntly exclaimed as Dahyun scoffed at her.

"Men and Women are all kneeling on their feet so they could just fuck me, Mo." She boldly admitted causing to emit a chuckle out of her sister.

"I see... now you better get going sister since i have to find my faithful wife." Momo bid her goodbye which made Dahyun roll her eyes.

"This is my house, Momo—" Momo dismissively shrug at her with a knowing smirk.

"Oh? i must be getting forgetful this days—" a phone ringing caught both of their attention making them whipped towards the phone's direction and saw Dahyun's phone ringing.

Dahyun gasp when she saw who's the caller while Momo smirk and quickly snatch it from the table, Dahyun hastily tried to stop her but it was too late.

Momo places her hand in the middle of Dahyun's chest to stopped her from snatching back her phone. She chuckled as she reads the caller's name.

"Seriously Hyun? Your boyfriend's caller id is personal ostrich? how cute~" She laughed and answered the call.

"Momo stop—" Dahyun once again tried to snatch the phone but it was no avail.

"Hello? Is this Dahyun's lover?" Momo smirk as she waited for an answer from the other side.

"..." Silence was all she could hear as well as the caller's heavy breathing.

Momo was about to talk again but the call has been suddenly dropped, she boredly pass the phone to Dahyun to whom glared at her.

"No one's answering~ they must be afraid of me? or you're just hiding something?" Momo asked out of nowhere which made Dahyun choke on her throat, she shakily pointed to the door while staring at her sister intensely.

"Get out." She growl at her which Momo rolled her eyes and made her way out of the living room unto the door. But before she turned to Dahyun for the last time.

"Just make sure, you aren't doing anything sinful Dahyun. I'll be praying for your soul as well as..." She paused.

"Your personal ostrich~" she giggled as she left the place.

Dahyun groan and quickly dialed a number, her fingers furiously swiping through her contacts before she stop at a particular number.

After a few rings, the caller answered and Dahyun greeted them with a furious growl.

"What the heck! Jeongyeon, didn't i told you to stop calling me?! we almost got caught because of your slow poke ass!" She angrily shouted through the phone.

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