need a hand?

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Pairing : Tzuyu × Nayeon

Summary : Tzuyu need a helping hand from her Unnie.

rqts; Eunchae_manchae

Top Nayeon × Bot Tzuyu

Tzuyu sighed in frustration because she couldn't bring herself to an orgasm for the second time this week.

She has been trying, always trying everything but her hands doesn't do the trick anymore to bring her the pleasure she always has wanted.

In a span of seven days, she was frustrated, not just simply frustrated physically but very much sexually also. And she doesn't know what to do nor to ask for any help.

"Just head to my room if you need a hand on something, Tzuyu-yah."

That's it. Her unnie could help her with this, her long slim fingers will be a perfect help to her little problem down there.

Wasting no time, Tzuyu headed to Nayeon's room and to her luck, Nayeon has her own hotel room to herself leaving them enough privacy to do something... yeah, something.

Now that she was standing infront of the hotel door of Nayeon, Tzuyu felt hesitant but was able to deliver a three solid knocks to the wooden door which was opened right after a good few seconds.

"Tzuyu? what are you doing here? it's pretty late you know.." Nayeon asked her and furrowed her brows eyeing the girl with confusion.

Tzuyu sighed and run her fingers through her hair.

There's no time making excuse Tzu, go straight to the point.

She whispered to herself and finally look up at the girl who's patiently waiting for her answer.

"Unnie... I need a hand on something.." She blushed and looks down to the floor, feeling her cheeks burning in embarrassment. Nayeon stared at her dumbly not getting her point.

"Hand? what do i do to help you then?" She asked her and opened the door wider to let the younger come in. Tzuyu blushed even more, clearly embarrass to say what she really needed.

Tzuyu sats on Nayeon's bed and looks down, and Nayeon was getting impatient so she made her move.

Putting her fingers on Tzuyu's chin and lifts it up making both of their eyes meet, dark curious eyes met a pair of lustful soft brown eyes.

"How can i know what i could help you if you won't respond to me?" Nayeon said, getting lost in staring at Tzuyu's mesmerizing eyes, her eyes went from Tzuyu's eyes towards her nose down to her kissable lips. She gulped imagining herself kissing and biting those soft pair of natural pink lips.

Tzuyu does the same thing, that she didn't notice she had her arms wrapping at Nayeon's firm slim waist slowly pulling her down to her. Both pair of eyes lustfully eyeing each other's lips.

Tzuyu pulls in and smashed her lips to Nayeon taking the other one by surprise but immediately responded right after. Nayeon settle her arms wrapped around Tzuyu's shoulders and pulled her closer, kissing her deeply as their tongues touch each other.

Tzuyu moaned from the kiss and made Nayeon straddle her lap, her hands freely caressing Nayeon's sides as Nayeon started to grind against her. They both groaned and pull away from the kiss.

Nayeon smirk. "Is this the hand you're asking for?" Tzuyu blushes but nodded at her. Nayeon frowns.

"Nah-uh, i need words honey." She breathe out and leaves kisses all over Tzuyu's face, landing a soft gentle kiss on her cheeks, jaw, nose and lastly her lips. Tzuyu sighed.

Her resting hands slowly falling down from Nayeon's waist towards her hips. Nayeon gasp in surprised when Tzuyu pulled her down to the floor making her kneel down.

Tzuyu eyes her lustfully, her half lidded eyes raking over Nayeon's face.

"Yes, now would you be a good pet and help me out..." She lowly whispered to Nayeon as Nayeon felt herself shivered at how dark Tzuyu's voice was.

Tzuyu runs her fingers in Nayeon's hair and swiftly tugs the ginger hair roughly, Nayeon lets out a yelp in pain.

Tzuyu pushed her face down to Nayeon's and pecks her lips.

"Kindly take off my pants, darling." And so Nayeon obeyed, taking the fabric out of their sight and left it abandoned on the tiled floor. She licks her lips when she saw a wet spot in between Tzuyu's underwear.

Tzuyu smirk when she saw her reaction, she pulls away and tugs again at Nayeon's hair, encouraging her to take off the last piece of clothing that's bothering the both of them.

"Come on, take it off.." Nayeon didn't waste anytime before the underwear joined the rest of Tzuyu's pants. She gasp at the sight.

Tzuyu was so wet... So fucking wet and is awaiting for her, her stiffen clit poking out of her lips and is inviting Nayeon to suck her.

Tzuyu moaned at how Nayeon looks at her. She tugs at her again and right away she felt the older's mouth launch at her, eating and sucking her wasting no time.

"Fuck~ Unnie, y-you're fucking g-good!" She can't help but moaned out at how good Nayeon was making her feel good. And this praise made Nayeon even more eager to please her.

She settled her mouth by sucking her clit and a wet and tight opening welcomed both of her fingers, she moaned and pushed them inside the girl.

Tzuyu moaned and whimper out at the feeling of being full with Nayeon's fingers, she threw her head back in pleasure and buck her hips to Nayeon's face.

"S-shit.. u-unnie- faster!" She pleaded and Nayeon immediately complied, she pulled her face away from Tzuyu and replaced it with her thumb, not losing the rhythm as she rubs her.

Nayeon looks up and saw a such amazing and sexy sight in her whole life, Tzuyu's mouth parted as moans uncontrollably spilled out of her, eyes shut as she threw her head back.

Nayeon was in total haze at the sight behold before her.

"Fuck you're gonna be the death of me, Tzuyu-yah..." As she said those words Tzuyu suddenly cummed in her fingers without both of them knowing.

"U-unnie! F-fuck!!" She screamed as her body jolts and her juices flowed out of her, coating not only Nayeon's fingers but also her chin and the bedsheets.

Nayeon slowly thrust her fingers to help Tzuyu calm down from her high which took about a good minute before she was panting and tiredly slump herself down the cold mattress.

Nayeon chuckled and pulled out her fingers, wiping them to the already ruined bedsheets. She straddle Tzuyu and giggles before kissing her.

Tzuyu sighed and kiss her back, arms automatically clinging into Nayeon's waist pulling the girl ontop of her.

They shared a sweet passionate kiss that lasted for god knows when.

Nayeon pulled away and laughs. Tzuyu looks at her dumbly unto what she was laughing about.

"So this is why you decided to head for my help do you?" She smirk when she saw Tzuyu blushing, she just remembered just now that actually went here just for that.

Tzuyu whined and playfully punched Nayeon's shoulder. Nayeon continues to laughed at her but was caught off when she was push down to the bed.

She looks at Tzuyu on top of her confusedly as Tzuyu only smirk at her and discarded her shirt.

She leans down to Nayeon's ear and huskily whispered.

"Well let's see if you can still say that after i fuck your brains out..."

And in that moment, she's praying that she'll still able to stand up tomorrow morning.


a/n: i forgot to update this because me and my classmates were busy creating our PowerPoint presentation ಥ‿ಥ

but i hope you enjoy<3

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