7 minutes

3.6K 39 8

Pairing : Sana × fem!reader

Summary : Y/n got dared to play 7 minutes in heaven with Sana... in the closet-

rqts : Linouche_45

hahwahwa i just finished editing and writing this out since I've been busy in school for the past few days ʕ'• ᴥ•̥'ʔ

anyways always don't forget to vote and enjoy!

Top Sana! Bot fem!reader

"Nayeon! Truth or Dare?" Chaeyoung excitedly asked when the bottle landed to the oldest among them. Nayeon smirk and look all of them mischievously.

"Pfft... I'm not a coward so I'd pick dare!" She said which made the others smirk. Sana nods at Mina and right away Nayeon knew she fucked up.

Her smile slowly faded the moment Mina told her the dare.

"I dare you to give all of us the number of your credit card." A smile of victory spreads across their faces when Nayeon sighed and handed them one of her cards.

"I swear to all the mighty saints out there if i become broke the next day, I'll live in Jeongyeon's apartment." She smirk when she saw Jeongyeon look at her with wide eyes.

Standing up from where she is seated, she loudly whines.

"What?! No freaking way! you always kick me whenever you're sleeping beside me!" Nayeon laughs at her reaction.

"I knew it's you who suggested this sooo... I'mma have my own payback~" Jeongyeon's whine in defeat and Nayeon's evil laughed filled the living room as well as the others laughs.

Tzuyu got up and impatiently spin the empty bottle as it landed on Sana. Everyone cheers when it landed on her. Sana whined.

"Finally! The great and mighty snake has been picked!" Dahyun cheers from her seat making the others laughed. Sana rolled her eyes at her.

"Yeah, yeah~ now i pick dare since ain't a scaredy cat!" Sana said as she repeats Nayeon's words before she did the most regretful thing in her life.

"Yeah? then i dare you to perform a lap dance on Y/n." Tzuyu shrug and pointed to the quiet girl beside her to whom gasp at her.

"The fuck Chou? I have a boyfriend who happens to be your younger brother hello?" Y/n frown when she saw Tzuyu smirk.

"Nah~ i won't mind, my brother's bad at everything so let him be." Y/n slap her arm and glared at her.

"You're such a wonderful big sister." Y/n huff at her which made Tzuyu smile.

"Certainly i am and Sana! do what you have been dared!" She spat out and glared at the snake, Sana scoffed and grumpily stood up from the floor and head to Y/n.

"Fuck you Chou!" She glared at her.

"No can do, you'd rather fuck Y/n than me and go ahead, we want show!" Tzuyu cheered as the other's joined her. Jihyo could only sighed and took a shot.

"Kids this days~" she whispered to herself.

Sana akwardly straddle Y/n's hips and put her arms on either side of her neck, Y/n also instinctively place her hands on Sana's waist and nodded at her.

"It's alright if you don't want it, Sana~" she whispered to the girl straddling her as Sana smiled at her and shake her head.

"It's fine Y/nnie~" after whispering that, Sana started to grind her body smoothly against Y/n's as the others let out a whistle at them.

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