one of your girls

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Pairing : Nayeon × Sana

Summary : Sana is just one of Nayeon's girls...

a/n : i didn't proofread so advance sorry for any grammatical errors :p

also they both look so adorable in the picture above (ᗒᗩᗕ)

Sana's PoV:

"Come for me, Sana." Her voice... I don't know why but it send tingling sensation inside my guts that i couldn't help but let out the dirtiest lewd noises out of my mouth.

Sending this daring woman the sight she's been waiting for as she eases deeper her fingers that sent me over the edge over and over again as i don't when it'll stop.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as i squirted straight into her fingers, drenching her hands as it dripped down to the sheets below me.

I moaned as my high slowly subsided but the woman above me didn't dare to change stop her fingers as she continues to push it inside sending me into another orgasm that seemed to be stronger than the last one.

I cried out because sensitivity hit me like a mad truck, i tried to beg her to stop but she just simply smirk at me and thoroughly placed her thumb against my throbbing sensitive clit that made me saw stars as she fucked me carelessly.

"You're so pretty when you're a big mess, babe... makes me want to fuck you more~" She purred below my ear and continue her thrust while i struggle to get out of her grip which was obviously no used of.

She gripped my hips to hold me still while her mouth leaves my ear and travels down to my blushing red nipples taking it in her mouth. I cry out in too much pleasure, the knot in my lower abdomen increased even more as thrust she gave me.

I grasp at her shoulders desperately as i felt the knot in my stomach almost exploding. I lift my hips against my own will and thrusted it back to meet each thrust of her fingers, my sudden movement made the smirk widen in her luscious lips as if she just won the lottery.

"My, my... Look at you pup, fucking yourself back to me when earlier you were protesting against me." Nayeon spoke after she pulled away from my now slick harden nipples. I moaned and finally came after a good few rough thrust.

"F-fuck! Nayeonnie!" I screamed on top of my lungs as my orgasm ripped through me making my vision black out for a moment.

Nayeon wrapped her arms around me after i calmed down from my high. I smiled and pulled her closer to me and after awhile she lays beside me as she catches her own breath.

She turned to me and smiled. I smiled back and started gathering my own clothes and got up from bed to start dressing up with all this happening Nayeon watching me.

I turned to her again and immediately got into business which caused her to sighed and dressed up as well.

"You know the deal, Nayeon. 40,000. 00 won for an hour." I said to her which she nodded got out some cash in her wallet before handling it into me, I grabbed it but she pulled me closer to her using my wrist.

I frown at her and was about to talk but she surprisingly kiss me without any warning. Though I'm surprised yet i kiss her back immediately and we pulled away after a few seconds with both of us catching our breath.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you, Sana." Right... Business, ofcourse everything here is all about business.

Why do i expect something more when this is just plain old business.

I smiled fakely at her and started taking my things with me. I went to her door and was ready to leave but before that, i bid to her.

"Nice doing business with you too." After that i left her behind alone and i just knew, she'll contact someone else to maybe sleep with her.

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