they'd probably need to learn how to lock doors

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Pairing: Momo x Mina

Summary: eh... Mina got caught off handed as her bestfriend saw her masturbating while moaning her best friend's name like a prayer.

Warning: Bathroom sex, name calling, mommy kink, mentions of p0rn, masturbating, eating out, fingering.

Top Momo x Bottom Mina

Momo shuts her phone down when she saw Mina looking at her with wide eyes. Barely blinking from the scene she just witnessed now. Her cheeks reddened while staring widely at her bestfriend in which she just caught watching porn... no clothes on... and touching herself with the door not lock— she looks away with flushed face as she itches to the doors quickly.

Momo on the other hand was utterly surprised yet embarrassment at her bestfriend's sudden barged in. She was hiding her body to under the blanket as her whole face becomes red. She didn't even realize Mina was in the door quickly shouting an apology.

"I'm soo sorry Momo unnie!" She waddles away from the room and left the fluttered Momo by herself. Momo mentally scolded herself for not locking the door before doing her business. "Damn i must be so horny that i forgot to lock the darn door.. that's the most important above all..."

"Fucking embarrassing..." She blushes hard and throw the blanket off her body and quickly grab some wipes in her drawer to clean herself up before putting back her undergarments and clothes on.


Mina runs to in the halls with a flushed face as she sat beside Nayeon in the living room, her mind replaying what she just saw awhile ago. She unconsciously clenched her thighs as she bit her lip.

Nayeon turns to her and was confused with her behavior. She itches closer to her causing Mina to flinched and quickly straighten herself and sat there.

"Minari? what's wrong? why are you so red and sweating?" She ask and knitted her brows as she stares at the girl sternly.

Mina shook her head as her face becomes even more redder. Nayeon smirk finding something that could possibly made the girl become like this.

Nayeon smirk. "You caught Momo masturbating?" She straightforwardly ask the blushing penguin but the question only made Mina even more redder than tomato. Nayeon's smirk widen even more at the girl's silent answer.

She chuckles and smugly smirk at the flushed girl. She silently went closer to the girl to tease her. She presses her lips in the girl's ears causing Mina to flinch at Nayeon's sudden closeness.

"Come on Mina-chan~ don't act like you haven't saw me and Sana masturbate and climax before—" Mina slap her arm and push her away from her before standing up, her arm pointing at Nayeon suspectedly.

"Unnie! I- I didn't intentionally want to saw that! i was traumatized! you didn't even bother to shave—" She didn't even notice she was blabbering stuffs which made Nayeon scoffed and threw a pillow towards Mina's direction.

"Shut your mouth! plus stop acting innocent Myoui, stop acting like you haven't touching yoursel—" Mina threw the pillow to her back when she was about to speak something embarrassing.

"Cause i totally haven't!" She defended herself as an arm wraps in her waist, she turns around quickly and saw a smiling devil behind her. Sana was standing there holding that famous mischievous smirk.

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