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Pairing : Tzuyu × Sana

Summary : Tzuyu was forced... if she may say.

Top Sana × Bottom Tzuyu

"You're always so alluring, Tzuyu..." Sana whispered huskily on Tzuyu's ear, her sweet honey voice completely dropping in the lowest. Her lips lightly brush against the taiwanese's sharp jaw.

Fingers tauntingly ghosted against her sensitive clitoris making her mouth flung open as a heavenly like whimper rolls down her tongue, hips stuttering out in surprised.

Sana chuckled and softly lands a peck behind Tzuyu's ears, the skin twitching against her soft one's out of sensitivity and another soft noise was released out of Tzuyu's plump lips. Skin flushing in very red as it represents her shame, arousal together with her overwhelming excitement.

Sana had noticed, her lips smearing a sickened smirk. Forefinger along with her ring rubbed the nub in a pace that she knew that had her wife rutting under her touch.

A wanton moan emitted out of Tzuyu as her grip on the sheets tighten, more drips of arousal flow down her vagina towards her opening and wets the whole white sheets.

"So wet Tzu... I'm liking it as much as you do." Sana threw herself dangerously close to her as her breath tickle her sensitive ears, Tzuyu moaned in response.

The red clothing blocking her ability to talk out words with sense. Her almond light brown orbs bores through her wife's round almost almond dark brown one's. They held intense eye contact as Sana eases a finger inside her. Tzuyu gasp and threw her head back on Sana's shoulder.

The restraint on her mouth has fallen off with the help of Sana's other free hand.

"Tight as i expected.." Sana whisper in her ear and slowly thrust her finger inside her wife in a slow pace. Moving the single digit slowly as it buried deep inside the girl before easing it out.

Loud squelching noises filled the velvet walls and accompanied by Tzuyu's silent screams and cries. Sana laughs in amusement, amaze by her wife's responsive sounds.

Thrusting the slick finger inside her, she slowly pulls away from the hole only to return back inside accompanied by another finger as both of them welcome themselves in the warm yet wet opening.

Tzuyu cries out in pleasure, her eyes raking to look at Sana's innocent yet dangerous face. She lets out a shaky breath as her hands dumbly cupped her cheeks.

The warm pads of her slender fingers tracing the outline of Sana's cheekbone down to her jaw, pulling gently down her chin as her struggled breath hits against Sana's parted lips.

"Mmm... honey - hng.." Tzuyu gulped and moaned again as her eyes shuts tightly, she felt her walls clenching around Sana's fingers when it hit a particular good spot inside her.

Sana smile and leans down placing a messy kiss on Tzuyu's lips, sealing it and swallowing all the sounds she's letting out.

Still moving her fingers, her thumb decided to join the fun down there and settled itself on rubbing Tzuyu's clitoris in a pace that got Tzuyu's teeth biting on Sana's lips to stop herself from screaming in pleasure.

Oh boy, her wife really do knows how to please her body.

"You close darling?" Sana asked when she pulled away from the kiss, Tzuyu gasp out for air as oxygen has been knock out of her.

"Sana-- please make m-me cum babe.." She pleaded to her wife in which Sana smiled and complied.

Leaning down to peck at her swollen lips.

"Ofcourse sweetheart, I'll take care of you." She mumbles against her lips and also kisses her forehead in reassurance.

Moving her fingers in a fast sloppy pace, it made Tzuyu loss even more of her mind as her she felt her clitoris throb against Sana's thumb and she couldn't help but let out a cry and comes hard on her wife's digits.

Soaking not only her fingers but also her whole hand and the already ruined sheets beneath them.

Sana pulled out her fingers out after she help the girl rode out her orgasm, slowly helping her to slump down on the side of the bed that hasn't been ruined.

Running her hands along Tzuyu's side, it travels down to her thighs and went back to where it was before, pushing two of her fingers inside once again as Tzuyu moans aloud in sensitivity.

"S-sana! I'm still sensitive- fuck!" Tzuyu exclaimed in surprised as Sana thrust into her all of a sudden that it caught her off guard.

Sana didn't listen and instead move her fingers and let her lips seal around Tzuyu's stiff nipple, nibbling at it from time after time and sucking it afterwards. Her other hand came in contact with Tzuyu's other breast and softly massage it, rolling her fingers across the stiff sensitive skin of the nipple.

Tzuyu only did was gasp, moan and let Sana control her body, giving her all the pleasure she hasn't been experience with anyone yet.

Except her wife.

"F-fuck! I'm gonna cum! Sana!" She scream as her lower body shakes uncontrollably as her cum got out of her hole directly to Sana's hand again.

After a few seconds, Sana slips out her fingers and kisses Tzuyu on the lips, calming her wife down from her second orgasm.

Sana pulled away with a teasing smile.

"I'm gonna clean you honey~" Even though Tzuyu was clearly still out of breath, Sana got on her knees and lowered her face to Tzuyu's glistening cum-stained cunt and licks her lips in excitement.

Tzuyu gasp when Sana took the first lick, her head dipping back to the pillows as she let her wife eat her out.

Sana's lips closing around to suck her sensitive bud, sucking and slightly licked the clit on her tongue before running her tongue on Tzuyu's hole.

Pushing the strong muscle inside and started to thrust it in and out until Tzuyu was out of breath.

Her fingers threading on Sana's brown long locks and pull her deeper as she felt another orgasm beginning to build up in lower stomach, feeling it tighten once more.

"Sana! Sana-- I'm coming again! Augh!" She cried out as her third orgasm ripped through her, her hips convulses as it delivers out her essence.

With having Sana lapping it, not wasting any single drop. After cleaning her Sana pulled her body to face the panting Tzuyu under her.

She smirk mischievously before supporting herself with her elbows. Eyes casually scanning Tzuyu's breathtaking features.

"Thought you don't want to be with me? then how come you already cum three times because of me?" She smirk arrogantly but Tzuyu just threw her a glare.

Pushing Sana away from her, she covers her body with the blanket and turns away from her.

"I was forced to be with you!" She snarls at her causing Sana to chuckle and lays beside her on the bed.

Staring at the ceiling wearing that same smirk since earlier.

"Yeah right... Forced." She said and heard a growl beside her and she emit out a small chuckle.


a/n: fucking shit my mom wants me to join the glee club when my voice is literally like a penguin whispering in the windy air 👁️👄👁️

Anyways i hope you like the update for today 😝😝

and also im quite surprised that i was able to upload like a few times this week, i am proud of myself 😘

Vote and comment tnxx <33

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