isn't this wrong?

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Author's pov;

"Think you could take one more finger, my love?" Jeongyeon whispered against Chaeyoung's ear before taking it in her warm mouth, suckling the reddening flesh inside.

Chaeyoung whimpered submissively as she weakly grips at the older's shoulders, trying her best to overcome the feeling of having two of the older's fingers inside her tight pussy.

She looks up at the eyes of the older and lightly nodded her head.

Jeongyeon smiled at her before kissing her temple gently, adding another digit inside her hole as she threw her head back in pleasure.

Still... She was a little guilty though, everything about their set-up is just inappropriate and fucked up.

If you're wondering how they ended up like this? Well long story but let's make it short.

Im Nayeon was pregnant when her late husband passed away due to a heart attack while in the middle of a business meeting somewhere in their branch in Europe.

This leaves Nayeon unto handling the whole business while she was seventh month pregnant with her daughter.

The whole process was difficult and exhausting for her the whole first weeks but eventually handled everything perfectly just months past.

A little few months later, she gave birth to her only daughter.

Namely, Son Im Chaeyoung. She grow up looking up and admire her mother for being a great business woman and a incredible mother to her.

She grew up being spoiled in affection, luxury and attention.

She wanted to be like her mother, a strong advocate and independent, who doesn't need any men in her life.

That's her description of her perfectly fine mother.

Not until she was a freshman in college at the age of 19 when her mother called her at 5 in the afternoon saying that she wants to have a dinner night with her.

Since Chaeyoung has moved out of her mother's home, she got herself a apartment a few minutes away from her mother's house but it was a perfect walking distance from the University she's currently in.

Finding it unusual, Chaeyoung still agreed though.

Directly heading straight to her apartment after her afternoon classes and went straight to shower and get ready to leave the house at 6 after getting dressed.

She got out of the taxi and went to her mother's home, she smiles when she saw the oh so familiar place where she mainly spent her childhood.

All those fun and heartwarming memories came flashing through her mind as her dimples freely got showed as her lips curve in a thin genuine smile.

She went to the door and knocked at it, waiting for a few moments before it got open by her wine aging mother.

"Chaeyoung sweetie~!" Nayeon welcomed her daughter in a warm bug hug and Chaeyoung hugs her back and giggled when she heard her mother crying over her shoulder.

"Mom! Why are you crying!?" She exclaimed but can't help but chuckle as she wipes her mother's tears away.

Nayeon laughed as well but cupped her daughter's face, still couldn't believe that she grew up as a fine and perfectly intelligent lady just like as she wants her to be.

"Don't mind mommy, i just still can't believe you're already a young lady... it feels like yesterday you were just a little mushroom only in her diaper yet now you're all grown up—" Her mother got caught off when she whaled again, Chaeyoung shakes her head.

"Mom, I'm in college now~ and I'm about to get a job soon then maybe... I'm gonna start a family real soon in the future..." She smiled at the thought and Nayeon on the other, wipes her tears and smiles proudly at her daughter.

Nayeon then glance somewhere before looking back at Chaeyoung. Grabbing both of her daughter's hands and bought them to the dining room. Chaeyoung looks curiously when she saw another figure cooking at their large kitchen.

She looks over to Nayeon with curiosity.

"Mom? You hired another chef? how come Mr. Yoo isn't the one cooking?" She asked her mother.

Nayeon giggled at her daughter's question and let her have a sit right beside her (Nayeon's sitting in the center btw) but before she could answer their foods were served by a muscular woman probably around the same age as her mother.

"Dinner's served!" The unknown woman smiled as she puts down the food on the table, Chaeyoung looks at her curiously and looks at her mother when the woman tooked off her apron and sat across her, holding her mother's hand tightly.

Nayeon sighed before averting her gaze towards the woman and sent her a small smile before looking back at her daughter.

"Chaeyoung honey... The reason why you are here today is because... I want you to officially meet my fiance, Yoo Jeongyeon." She explained to her.

And silence immediately coated them, Chaeyoung's throat got caught as her air got knocked out of her.

After a few seconds of silence, Chaeyoung got her self and eventually replied.

"W-what...?" She blinked a few times and looks back and forth to the two grown women in the room.

"Jeongyeon's my soon to be wife, also your future mom."

And Chaeyoung started to play with fire exactly on that day, she doesn't know why but the older woman was somehow teasing her... or more like tempting her to submit to her mercy.

That's why here they are now, with Jeongyeon pumping her three digits fastly inside the younger with passion as Chaeyoung moans loudly taking all the pleasure that Jeongyeon was giving her.

Soon enough, she has finally cummed in the woman's fingers for the second time, Jeongyeon then got into her knees.

Both hands grasping at her quivering knees and stared at her puffy folds, licking her lips in attempt to stopped herself from taking the girl again.

Chaeyoung looks down and almost moans when Jeongyeon took her tongue out and licked her feminine area, shutting her eyes again as a surge of pleasure shot through her.

Her fingers desperately tried to pushed the older's head deeper into her, desperate to cum again as she felt the knot in her stomach build up again.

"M-mom~ I'm so c-close.. ahh!~" she moans in pleasure as the older devoured her eagerly.

Jeongyeon shot up her head and stare into Chaeyoung and watched her come undone.

"Come for me Chaeyoung~" she huskily whispered to her and Chaeyoung comes in her face.

Shaking as her hips convulses in pleasure, making sure to shit out every essence she has.

Jeongyeon got up and kisses her, whispering praises in her ear as she calms down slowly.

After their activity the two fixed themselves just in time when Nayeon arrives home from her business conference in the company.

"Hi babies, how was your bonding?" Nayeon cluelessly asked them as she tooked off her heels and sat on the couch, eyeing the two who just got out of the master's bedroom.

Jeongyeon smirks and swung an arms around Chaeyoung's shoulder, the girl blushes but also feels guilty after their so called bonding ended up being a big secret to her loving mother.

"It was fun babe, i got to know our daughter more~" she said to Nayeon causing the clueless woman to smile.

"That's glad to know then! glad that you guys enjoyed each other!" Chaeyoung bit her lip as complete guilt eats her up.

"Sure we are, we enjoyed every piece of it."


a/n: double update cuz im gonna ghost y'all for a month again 😜

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