i found you

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a/n: ok, I'm so sorry to those who've requested me but i couldn't really comply all of your requests but I'm trying my best tho ( which is surprising since im too lazy to type in my phone for many hours ) but I'm trying, hope you understand U^ェ^U

rqts: mn_sr_my

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[ Author's pov ]

A one quiet noon, the female cheer leading team was getting ready for their upcoming cheer for the varsity event that's about to happen around the corner. The feminine females were busy among chitchatting with each other of how they're going to ace the cheer and maybe catch some attentions from the female varsity players of their school.

One of the corners of gym, a 5'8 cheerleader whines as she thought about something.

"Yah! how am i going to get Ahn Yunjin's attention when she has tons of slut fans obsessing over her!" Wonyoung ramble out to her fellow cheerleaders causing them to giggle.

"Wonnie~ you can easily surpassed them all, you're even much taller than your girl crush gosh!" A squirrel like girl cheekily stated beside her causing Wonyoung to glare at her.

"Hey! don't talk to her like that! just because your' Tzuyu unnie is taller than my baby!" Sana pouted at a sulking Wonyoung, the others couldn't help but sighed at the twos stupid argument.

Upon noticing the lack of interaction from their captain, a raccoon like cheerleader went in search for their captain and smiled when she saw her relaxing in the bleachers, all alone and was busy admiring one of the varsity players down the other side of the court. She smirked and went to sneak towards her.

The girl know about the commotion happening in her team but she just didn't have the mood to deal with them, so here she is.

Staring at her only crush since the start of this school year.

Yoo Jeongyeon.

The girl crush of the whole campus if they may say, she's also a varsity player in which Mina first met— or more like saw her and since then she was just admiring from afar.

Contented in seeing her insight than to just actually went straight to asked her out.

Mina's not scared that Jeongyeon might not like her, i mean she's fairly beautiful, has a lean and nice body, and most of all she's a A+ student since daycare. In short, she's too perfect to get rejected.

But she was shy, upon having a chance all the time to interact with the girl she just passed the opportunity in order not to get shy or nervous and might fucked up the conversation.

So here she is, a hopeless romantic.

She sighed as she looks away from the team and averted her eyes to the girl sitting beside her.

"Need anything, Momo-yah?" She asked the girl to whom shook her head to her. The girl named Momo pointed her lips to the varsity team and Mina immediately got her point.

She shook her head shortly and shrug, Momo roll her eyes at the Captain's cowardness and crossed her arms.

"When are you planning to confess, Myoui? Jeongyeon's not getting single anytime soon, I heard someone was hitting on her from the council. I think it was the vice president 'Im Nayeon i guess... So better move before some old pretty nerd get in your way~" Momo tilted her head as she lovingly eyed her girlfriend from across them.

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