I'm getting you back

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Jihyo's pov:

I can't believe if I'm seeing this right now.

Is this all fucking true?

I bit my lower lip as i watched her from across the room talking with some of my employees.

She was beautiful just as before, that warm gummy smile and her habit of crunching her nose while laughing.

Her beautiful captivating eyes disappearing everytime she laughed. Her little gesture when she's overwhelmed with joy.

Everything i saw here just felt nostalgic as i remembered our first encountered last 7 years ago.

God i missed her so fucking much...

Minari where have you been?

{ Flashback: 7 years ago }

The first time i met her was exactly in the first day of school back when we were in highschool. She was totally a nerd and students don't care about her existence but not me, I've got my eyes on her from the very start.

She may not notice it but i kept on glancing at her every time we have our history class, i may even say I've payed more attention to her than the lessons.

In my whole life, I'm known as the typical rich famous girl in the whole school. Not only for my looks but also with my intelligence.

And my parents want me to kept that image up, they want everyone to see me as a perfect and decent girl. So taking interest in love was definitely a big NO for me.

Love can just distract me in my studies and reputation, that's what my parents said to me. And me being a perfect daughter to them, I'm afraid of disappointing both of them i did all the things they want me to do.


Our teacher suddenly announced that will be having a project by pair. And every students were almost pleading the teacher to pair me with them. I secretly huff in annoyance but i have to composed myself so as much as possible i tried my best to be all smiley and hide my irritation.

"Jihyo! please pair with me, i promised you I'll be the one who'll do all the work for you!" I heard one of my male classmate shout from behind but i acted unbothered by it.

Soon the teacher shushed them and started to announce each pair, and the once who wants to pair with me groan when they found out that they won't be pairing with me.

After a few minutes, I was the only one left who didn't have a pair, i roamed my eyes around and saw that there's still someone who hasn't been called out.

I became excited since she is going to work with me..hehehe

I looked back at the teacher with a bright smile plastered in my face.

"Lastly, our last pair is Myoui Mina and Park Jihyo." I heard gossip all the room but i didn't mind it and just went towards Mina's direction and saw a vacant seat beside her.

She look over to me blankly while i only smiled at her and occupied the vacant seat before lending my hand to her.

She look at it before shaking it.

"Hi, I'm Park Jihyo!" I introduced cheerfully.

"Everyone knows that already..." She mumbled but i heard it making me chuckle in akward.


After everything that happened between me and her are both good and bad. For example, I'm genuinely happy and cheerful when I'm with her but when I'm home... I don't feel any emotions at all.

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