top of the class but bottom in bed

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« Author's pov »

Y/L/N Y/N is nothing but a good perfect child to the Y/L/N family. She was well behaved and doesn't complain in anything, she always excell in her academics ever since she was a toddler until she graduated a top honor in her high school.

Now that she's in college, where most kids like her age discovers how to drink alcohol, smoke at least 2 sticks every hour and ofcourse, addiction to having sex all being careless about the diseases they may get.

And yet again, they are adults, It's their choice in life.

And Y/N didn't even want to take look at that, since she grew up being open-minded in everything just like her family taught her ever since she's young, they took time to teach her the right manners and sex education to avoid being curious when she went into teenage-adulthood.

So here she was being the only student caring about her grades, future and present.

« Author's pov »


Most of the college careless students thought as the Friday morning starts right away with boring lessons and other useless craps they teach.

All the students didn't listen, instead talked about throwing up parties since it'll be Saturday the next day. Though, Y/N didn't pay attention to them instead listen carefully to her professor since next week will be their exams.

She throw a glance to her roommate beside her and furrowed her brows when she saw her doing her makeup, she sighed before getting the attention of the girl.

"Nayeon! aren't you going to listen?! next week is our final examination!" She carefully whispered-yelled at the girl who's being oblivious about their professor's lecture. Nayeon shrugged her shoulder and continues to apply concealer on her face.

"Nah, just gonna spend the night in Ms. Yoo's house then I'll be passing all the boards in no hustle~" She checks herself out of the mirror before sending a wink to the clearly disgusted Y/N.

Y/N shuddered at the thought and just threw a paper towards Nayeon's direction. Nayeon ignores her and just flirts with herself in the mirror.

"Kids this generation are whores..." She sighed to herself and focused on the class even though her classmates voice were much louder than her professor's.

« Break time »

Y/N was having a peaceful lunch together with some other geeks like her in their usual spot in the cafeteria, all while chatting about the lessons and how easy it was but the professors weren't passionate in their teaching.

"Gosh... All the lectures were all basic information! aren't they going to level it up or something?! hello? their assigned to teach college students not kindergartens!!" One of her friends exclaimed which goes by the name, Kim Namjoon.

"I agree! aren't they ashamed about that?! they're just showing that their to lazy to even open a book and make a proper lessons for students!" Her female friend named Choi Jisu said while slamming down the thick dictionary she's holding on the table.

Y/N just laughs at their complaints and proceeds to do the assignments that their professors had sent. It was pretty easy if she may say or it's just because she was just gifted a thick head and a big ass brain.

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